Douglass Sarley: I would not say Obama has it within the bag but--you particularly have to wait till the debates begin to pass judgement on that. You would possibly not detect it, however the quantity of persons who come to a decision whether or not to vote and who to vote for in October is a beautiful top quantity. So a long way every aspect has distorted the opposite's view such a lot that I do not believe the ones October citizens are going to be in a position to type reality from spin. The alternative of Ryan offers all sides possibility for plenty of spin. If Romney wishes to vow that he would possibly not mess with Medicare each and every unmarried time he opens his mouth, it would undercut plenty of what you believe will occur. Personally I believe that all sides are going to make such a lot of insane accusations of one another that it'll transform a reputation contest among people who do not watch the scoop....Show more
Sylvie Snetting: I find it incredibly ! amusing that EVERY ONE of the responses to this question defending Paul Ryan and the Republican war on women's rights in every sector you could think of was written by a man. What - your women aren't allowed access to the computer???This is exactly the point and the problem: men making decisions that affect women -- uninformed and misogynistic decisions....Show more
Gregory Dilg: EVERY woman who:> Doesn't blame INFANTS for rape.> Knows that VIOLENCE is not the exact same thing as "taking advantage."> Does not HOPE to be sued by someone she has no record of even employing; who does not HOPE to be presumed guilty for being unable to PROVE otherwise.> Who does not HOPE her mother's Medicare COLLAPSES as all Democrats say it WILL if kept on the track all Democrats demand.> One who doesn't HOPE her children's medical care will be granted or denied by POLITICAL means.> One who doesn't want to FORCE her daughter to fund abortion.In short, NO INFORMED women who don't HATE the! ir own children can possibly vote for ANY Democrat for ANY off! ice at ANY level.....Show more
Clark Lachowski: There are PLENTY of women out there who are pro-LIFE.It's CLEAR that you Dems have nothing to run Obama on, so are attempting yet ANOTHER diversion from the real issues.
Arnoldo Budzynski: A woman who wants to impress her man and degrade herself again to impress him. A in secure woman who will sell her soul and allow men to make decisions concerning her body.A woman with a low self-esteem. A woman who has a problem having empathy for female rape victims. A woman who may be justifying her own rape so that she can accept her false misplaced guilt. A woman who lacks perception and allows people to make decisions for her.
Nell Dipiero: An incredibly wealthy woman, with no spouse, that could take part, or all her riches... Or a woman, that is in the self destruct mode...Merely reading, the bold print, of your question...
Mickey Isle: One with an IQ over 75One with moralsOne that hates the liberals treati! ng her like a second class citizen
Adam Momaya: The same sort of women that are pro Tea Party. That want a return to the times of our Founding Fathers when women could not even vote and would not be able to vote for another 150 years until 1920. Women that think there is such a thing as "legitimate rape." In effect, women that should not breed because their children would be far too dim to make educated decisions....Show more
Nedra Oltz: A woman who wants her children to have the same freedoms and oppourtunities as we all have had. For a party { democrats } who claim to be doing things "for the children" every year they celebrate huge increases in children being aborted, Obama pulled the school voucher programs,democrats are forcing future americans to be reliant on foreign oil with their no drilling policies.{but obama gives taxpayer stimulus money to foreign countries for drilling in OUR waters} Republicans feel abortion should be LEGAL: but rare and not! funded by TAX dollars . They believe in school vouchers which give in! ner city children an oppourtunity at a better education, they believe in domestic energy and utilizing ALL sources of energy. So i think ALL woman should vote for Romney since his policies will IMPROVE the lives of their children, or vote for Obama who will instead will keep voting for ending them prematurely....Show more
Marti Declue: 2 kinds here in the South 1. Stepford wives married to staunch Republicans and relying on them to make all their decisions2. redneck women who sabotage other women at work and in their lives in every way possible.
Bernie Cerra: Women already have abortion-on-demand.Not all women have indiscriminate, unprotected sex and then visit Planned Parenthood to fix their "problem" - I'd go so far as to bet MOST do not. In fact, many women disapprove of such behavior. Concerning "fair pay": Women benefit from women-only scholarships. Women are a majority on college campuses, and therefore earn more degrees than men. Government assistanc! e is available specifically for women entrepreneurs. Affirmative action programs legally favor women over men. As a result of these pro-women policies, young women OUT-EARN THEIR MALE PEERS. For years, women have controlled the manner in which a family's money is spent, accounting for 85% of all consumer purchases; women control the largest percentage of personal wealth, and the numbers are expected to increase.Meanwhile, men account for the vast majority of workplace injuries and fatalities (93%) due to the fact that men are more likely to work in hazardous occupations. Despite this fact and the fact that men have a shorter life expectancy, the government focuses its attention on women's issues with offices and agencies like:White House Council on Women and Girls;Women in Development, USAID;WIC, USDA; Women's Bureau, US Dept of Labor; The Office of Women’s Health, FDA; Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health (NIH); and The Office on Womenâ! €™s Health, Office of Public Health and Science.No similar federal agen! cies exist for men's issues/health. In fact, roughly twice the federal funds are spent on breast cancer research as are spent on prostate cancer research....Show more
Sammy Tabatt: How about one that doesn't want to see the country go bankrupt like the present course Obama has us on?
Long Woltjer: A woman who would vote for Romney, or his only friend, Paul Ryan, would want to go back to the good old days of the back street butchers. A pregnant girl who is desperately seeking help will take risks with her own life; many have used coat hanger, knitting needles even throwing themselves down a flight of stairs. If Row vs Wade is repealed back street abortionists will spring up overnight, young women will die as a result and the women who support the Ryan ideology just don't care about the suffering of other women. They love to judge people harshly because it makes them feel they have power and are somehow superior based on their personal interruption of the Bib! le. It almost seem that these older individuals, who have found Jesus and become fanatically religious in their middle age, want to punish younger women for simply being women. Perhaps, it is because this part of their life is over they no longer think others should enjoy sex either.One thing is clear, this group of Republican men seem to feel that women have little or no value. The Mormons support that view. Women make up 51% of the votes so unless they try to suppress the women's vote, the Republicans cannot win this election. Women For Obama 2012...Show more
Ninfa Asby: Women who always see themselves as victims would not vote for Ryan. Those who are empowered and self sufficient will
Eulah Hugill: An intelligent, well informed one that doesn`t pay attention to the Liberal Media.
Edwina Fu: The same kind as would vote for Mitt Romney. The same kind as my neighbor, her friends come to her home for Glenn Beck viewing parties. She is ultra religious, a! nice woman but she believes the lies.Obama /Biden2012...Show more
Roni Kurz: She would have to be a person that desired to be oppressed and feel as if she is not a worthy human being. This would also apply to any male voting for the Republican disaster which does not have the backbone to stand up to the tinkle potty or corporate take over steamrolled by Norquist Taliban!Phillip Modafferi: A woman who is pro-Life, realizes that Medicare MUST be reformed, that Obamacare does NOTHING to reform health care and that Planned Parenthood is one of the leading sources for abortions in the country... In other words, a woman like me... And millions of others like me.There... Does that answer your question?
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