Rosalba Lingner: Thanks for your answers, Do you think it is bipolar Disorder/Depression?? I've been like this for a few years and i just want it all to stop.
Kenneth Blacker: Bipolar disorder which is what it is now called (used to be called manic depression) is a mood disorder which effects a persons mood and is caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. In bipolar disorder a person has mood swings from depression to mania which have to last 7 days each to be diagnosed but generally last weeks or months at a time. I developed bipolar when I was 15 and diagnosed at 18, when I was depressed I would sleep constantly, cry, self harm, wouldn't leave bed for days, didn't eat, wash, dress, constantly felt suicidal, hopeless and worthless, withdrew myself from family and friends and stopped going to school. This lasted for 6 months. Then I switched into mania when I was constantly full of energy and felt like I was on top of the world I was so happy, didn't sleep for day! s and if I did I would sleep up to 3 hours only but felt completely awake and full of energy, went out every night abusing alcohol and drugs, got into meaningless relationship, had sex with strangers, had so much confidence, spent every penny I had and even stole from my mum, shop lifted, racing thoughts, aggressive and irritable, psychotic when I would hallucinate and be delusional to the point I stabbed myself and almost my boyfriend, I was constantly doing one thing to the next and I nearly failed college. This lasted for 4 months. Bipolar disorder is something that is very severe and effects your everyday life. I ended up being hospitalised because I was psychotic, hallucinating and delusional.Trauma of any kind can cause mental illness. If you are worried about your mental health then go and see your doctor and explain your symptoms. If they feel you have a mental health issue they will send you to a psychiatrist for an evaluation. Remember that mood swings in Bipolar ! have to last 7 days each, they do not last minutes, hours or e! ven days. Good luck :)EDIT- Its not for me to say but it could be. You say you have depression way worse and it lasts longer. Sounds like if you do have it you have type 2 which means you never experience mania you experience hypomania and depression, its a less severe type, I have type 1. Also in type 2 you never experience psychosis. Hope this helps a little :)...Show more
Felipa Nosis: >"I want to be assessed but Iâm under 18 and therefore my family will find out."You want to wait until you really f&ckup? I guarantee everyone will find out once you get in trouble!You're flawed and distorted thinking is a symptom of your depression!...Show more
Chadwick Schmelz: You ought to talk to a psychiatrist. I'm bipolar and i've OCD. Yeah, there are occasions when I believe emotionally blah, however I still go out and try and have enjoyable with my buddies. I am medicated and you will have to speak to a psychiatrist, now not a psychologist. This guy is an fool for t! elling you that you just should simply gain knowledge of how you can care for it! Seriously, find a psychiatrist, let him/her comprehend what is going on with you. A good shrink will help you to find the proper meds that don't leave you flat and unable to reside your lifestyles....Show more
Vickie Clampett: Yeah that sounds right. I've always had an idea but i've never heard it from someone else. I'm going to book an appointment with my doctor :) Thank You
Joie Kemmis: Well I think this may be normal. I have been experiencing the same stuff as you for the past year and a half. It all started after my best friend died from cancer. I think its something that everyone goes through at some point in their lives and i think one day you and me will get back to our normal selves it will just take some time. Although maybe you should talk to your family about it and maybe try to get some counseling. I know I have thought of doing that on several occasions....Show mo! re
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