Solomon Belback: It's called genotype by environment interaction and it's one of the most important principles of genetics. You really can't say what genetics are "best" without considering the environment and vice versa. So in short, neither is better, they work together.
Sammy Tabatt: Everything is a function of your genetics. Everything that you experience through your environment is experienced because of your genes. Your genes encode the information that creates your neurons which allow you to sense and respond to your environment. Thus, without your genes, your environment would not matter.
Ira Porietis: Do you even know what you are talking about? Genetics are codes that come from your parents, genetics don't alter the environment- people do! However, environment does alter the genetics over long periods of time. We make the environment around ourselves, which is also a way of saying that we can change the environment, and ultimately alter our g! enetics over time. But this still leads to the environment altering genetics! So in answer to your question the environment affects our genetic mapping to change the future of the genetics, so you will not see any alteration in your genetics ever. But you will adapt to the environment. This adaptation is what leads to the changing of genetics....Show more
Tomeka Hameen: genetics have a better effect on the environment , however some environmental factors can affect the phenotypic traits of some individuals.
Sonya Volcko: The kind of person you are is more a function of environment than of genetics. That doesn't make either "better or worse," but it means that we will be more optimistic about human nature when we agree that it's not permanently established by one's genetic legacy
Marvel Mcaulay: You posit a false dichotomy.
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