Hollis Demasters: There is a variety of creatures you can pick up that will take care of your algal problemsSnails - Three of the most common marine snail species used for controlling algae in saltwater aquariums and reef tanks are the Astraea/Astrea, Turban/Turbo, and Trochus/Trocus, with many varieties found world wide.Hermit Crabs - The Scarlet Hermit Crab (Paguristes cadenanti) is one of the most popular hermits with reef keepers, because of its colorful appearance, and because it will eat all kinds of algae, such as red, green and brown slimes, as well as green hair algae. True crabs, and Urchins - The Emerald Green Crab (Mithrax sculptus) lives among rocks and feeds on algae, especially filamentous and Valonia (Bubble) types. This crab only grows to about one inch in size, and is tauted to be one of the best reef safe crabs to have for chowing down on algae.The Black Collector Urchin (Tripneustes gratilla) is commonly seen in Hawai'i. It spends its time on the reef! slowing cruising around rocks and corals searching for algae to eat, and grows to about five inches in size. This urchins will cruise around on the glass and roam the aquarium in search of algae to eat....Show more
Germaine Tieken: Get a big *** algae eater(saltwater) and get a very strong salt water filter it keeeps sand clear...but can be expensive
Monty Sieloff: I have a fish tank, what you have to do is buy salt water cleaning supplies from the pet store, where ever it is in you area, and take you fish ou t to clean the tank. They also have things too clean the sand with to. My best option is to buy new clean sand jus to be on the safe side
Simona Bulwinkle: my saltwater tank was bought used and came with green hair algae. their is no such thing as a salt water algae eater so thats out of the question ad it would be impossible to catch all of my fish and creatures that i have living in my tank to be able to treat it. Live sand is $2 a pound and their! is over 60 pounds of sand in my tank so buying new sand isnt ! an option. so is their any kind of creatures that can clean the sand. we had a sand sifting star but my crab ate it.
Jeff Frizzell: There are really only two marine animals that will put any sort of noticable dent into your hair algae bloom. The best of the two is a seahare. You can get these for under $20 at your local marine fish store. The other is a green emerald mithrax crab. The crab will do great on the algae in numbers but are also prone to fighting. It's very unlikely that blue legged hermits or scarlet hermits are going to help you out. And snails definitely aren't going to help you. You deffinitely want the sea hare and atleast one mithrax crab, in addition though you need to get the phosphates out of our water, RowaPhos is an awesome product to do just that. It is specifically designed to be used in a fluidized reactor but can just be placed underneath the return on your skimmer. If you have a fish only system then you want drastically reduce the time you ! leave your lights on.Live sand is no more than $30 for a 25lb a bag. Live sand will speed the stabilizing of a new system, but in an established tank will do little more than collect detritus from your fish and overfeeding.Hope this helps. Good Luck!...Show more
Von Houskeeper: change the salt and take the algae out with your hands just playing.get a algae eater
Hal Rouse: It's not the salt you should worry about. Having a little salt is not going to hurt a fish. Actually people use salt in freshwater tank to treat diseases too. The salt residue will slowly go away over time... Think about it, how much salt can there be left anyway? I'm worrying about the ammonium coming from the dead stuff in your live rock and sand. It might kill your fish if you are not doing a fishless cycle. Depending on your sand it could increase the ph to 8+ and GH/KH too. If you have low PH fish it would be a problem. Other than that I see no problem..But then again I am no expert....Sh! ow more
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