Tuesday, 30 June 2020

How does gay marriage affect your marriage?

Madie Strople: It will not affect any one's marriage! Jehovah God condemns unnatural sex acts: Marriage according to the Bible is between one man and one woman. As shown in Genesis. Adam & Eve were married by Jehovah God--it was not Adam and Steve! Then in the Christian Greek scriptures it mentions the word "porneia" where our word pornography came from--also in the Bible book of 1 Corinthians it mentions homosexual conduct (condemning it and then) saying " that is what some of you WERE, but you have been washed CLEAN..." after accepting God's counsel and repented and turned around! 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 “ But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among ! yourselves.” What could be the wisdom behind this counsel? To repent and turn around. Remember Sodom & Gomorra? That is also a reminder of how God's wrath can be to unrepentant sinners!...Show more

Beau Starcevic: 2 Timothy 3:16,17"ALL Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."

Tyler Burkman: Umm... I'm not really sure.

Weldon Totaro: It wouldn't threaten the sanctity of my marriage covenant; however, because I choose to vote, I can play a role in keeping it strictly heterosexual. When it came up for vote in my state, I did just that, and 65% of people agreed with me.

Dexter Dingus: I truly believe it whole heartily. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah had some of the same dreams. It is not one book only, but God is warning us through all the Bible. You either believe the wh! ole Bible or not at all. You cannot pick and chose what you w! ant to believe or not believe. It is the inspired Word of God. The Holy Spirit breathed these words to all the writers of the Bible.

Jed Porada: Gay marriage doesn't ruin my marriage at all, why would it? People love who they love and to be able to love at all is a great gift. What someone else does behind closed doors does not effect me in any way. People should stop worrying about what others do and look more closely at their own lives. What someone points a finger at is something that they have a difficult time dealing with because of something in themselves....Show more

Darren Heling:

Manual Burtis: it could truthfully be used to instruct god does no longer exist: The advent of the international is the main marvellous fulfillment conceivable. The benefit of an fulfillment is the made of (a) its intrinsic high quality, and (b) the skill of its author. The greater advantageous the incapacity (or handicap) of the author, the greater marvelous t! he fulfillment. the main ambitious handicap for a author could be non-existence. as a result if we predict that the universe is the made of an existent author we are in a position to conceive an more advantageous being - specifically, one that created each and everything at a similar time as no longer present day. An present day God as a result does no longer be a being greater advantageous than which an more advantageous won't have the capacity to be conceived because of the fact a good greater ambitious and stunning author could be a God which did no longer exist. Ergo: God does no longer exist.

Willa Holte: I'm not married, but it wouldn't, of course.I would say the sanctity of marriage is much more threatened by the prevalence of divorce than its diversification.(I would remind those who level that charge against gay marriage that the same charge was leveled a few decades ago at interracial marriage when that was still controversial.)...Show more

Georgia Dee! s: It doesn't affect mine, personally. BUT...........Marriage is an hol! y institution, sanctified by God. Homosexuality is unholy.The two are mutually exclusive.What this latest garbage is out of the homo community is just more militant queer tactics, designed to force people to accept what they are. Period. No more, no less.The fact that they are asking for this right speaks volumes for the degrading state of affairs in this nation. Further, the violation of Federal law that California has commited in legalizing this type of unholy marriage speaks even louder in verifying that the people of this country are of a reprobate mind. What's next> Gay married men going down to the local orphanage, and adopting a couple darling little boys?I say they belong back in the closet, where they were for so long....Show more

An Cardine: I do, and so do many, many others. Everything that was predicted in the Bible happened. So why should this prophesy be any different?

Roselee Mczeal: Wanda Sykes asks the same question:http://www.youtube.com/watch?! v=1IHdaJOZe7E

Arlen Hamper: An excellent question. I challenge anyone to logically show how gay marriage has any negative effect upon straight marriage at all. So far, no one has been able to show a single example of gay marriage haveing a detrimental effect on straight marriage....Show more

Chet Nozick: Neither my wife nor I had ever been married before. We married until death do us part and we take that vow very seriously. We take it so seriously that gay marriage will have no impact on the strength of our marriage whatsoever.There is no such thing as sanctity or sanctification. It's made up. It's like saying our marriage "has more unicorns" than another.Hugh - is the concept of "consenting adults" too difficult for you? NAMBLA is a bunch of crap, I agree. But gay marriage wouldn't lead to man-boy marriage.

Palmira Lochridge: The ontological argument makes up a big part of the Big Bang (one of the reasons I reject the Big Bang)... Whats your point?I! t is not necessary to rely on the Ontological argument. There is plenty! of evidence in nature that supports the assertion of creation and therefore by inference a creator. The only reason that interpretation of WHAT happened is rejected is because the skeptic does not want to consider the WHO did it, despite the fact that WHAT and WHO are two completely different questions!

Blaine Connett: sometimes you really have to dig if you want to understand the truth. i believe revelations.

Rivka Killmer: I'm not married yet, but will be getting married. And once I do, of course, the issue of gay marriage won't impact my relationship in any way whatsoever.

Leontine Kreitz: No, it's hogwash. The reason it fails is that "God" doesn't exist in the imagination, but rather the idea of God exists in the imagination. My having a conception of a god is not that god existing, but only in my head. It is my idea of that god existing.

Ofelia Kieck: Following an ontological argument, there is a massive invisible pink unicorn flying directl! y over Mitt Romney's head dropping invisible, weightless, odorless poo on his left shoulder.

Roselee Mczeal: No. Not only "conceive of" , but also plausible. I can conceive of a a squared circle, but it isn't plausible for one to actually exist. In applying to God... he is both conceivable and plausible.Your William Craig reference is off. Craig doesn't use this argument much. His approach is the Cosmological argument. He would agree that an ontological is difficult to defend.... But really you have to represent it correctly.

Whitney Saborido: Neither my husband nor I have ever been married before. We married until death do us part and we take that vow very seriously. Gay marriage no only threatens the sanctity of marriage but it threatens all man kind because it is contrary to God's will for us as a people.

Jarrod Darnall: marriage ruins the "sanctity" of true devoted affection.marriage is a contrue love has no description. true love needs no ! rings to be bound. true love does not exist in marriage....Show more

Derick Kinnard: around the time of John's Revelation such visions he observed have been extremely seen via tens of 1000's of persons around Jerusalem. They weren't the comparable visions John observed, yet they have been extremely seen via tens of 1000's of persons on the comparable time. The Jewish student and Historian Josephus recorded the scene of 1000's of persons seen interior the clouds over Jerusalem or maybe chariots seen interior the skies. Josephus grew to become into nicely conscious that sceptics like your self could doubt what he wrote, and is going to pains to describe those sightings have been seen via 1000's of excellent witnesses. The Roman Historian Tacitus confirms those activities have been seen via Roman witnesses and others interior the section on the time. human beings living interior the centuries after the form recorded the 'Sky human beings' as nicely. So is there something 'superb' approximately John's Revelation? never, not till you throw ou! t historic activities in simple terms because of the fact they don't comply inclusive of your criteria of certainty right this moment. What John observed grew to become right into a glimpse of destiny activities.

Vince Delarge: If you believe that a gay person should be able to marry because that is how they are made and have just as much right to be happy as a heterosexual.Then..so shouldPedophile marry their young lovers (NAMBLA) is going for that now, as does the UN.Animal lovers marry their sexual preference.Same logic..

Cierra Gadbaw: Its just fair! all those poor men that married celibate windbags.....they could have married their buddy and watched football all the time...same celibacy. more football. and they are bitter.

Buster Exline: No one has the right to redefine marriage. If you allow gay marriage to pander to homosexuals, you must also (in the name of tolerance) allow any combination of consenting and legally defined participants. In sho! rt, when anything goes, everything must be allowed to go.

Rick Du! chane: It couldn't possibly affect me or the sanctity of any marriage.

Piedad Bassiti: whoever says that needs to learn the actual history of marriage. it is not a judeo-christian idea. it hasn't always involved just two people, it hasn't always involved only people of the opposite sex, sometimes they are pre-arranged by the parents, family, or tribe. there is no reason to believe that the judeo-christian system of marriage is "god sanctioned" or the right way. it is simply a reinforcement of our current societal norms. not that i have anything against that. but i still believe gay people have the right to be married as well....Show more

Jacques Teri: I get your point, but you know couples fight and split just as much in the gay world as the hetero world.

Renay Billiar: Ummm...Makes it tougher to book a hall for the reception?

Marcelina Schossow: I believe the Revelation of Jesus Christ as told by John the beloved Disciple.~OM~"Blessed is h! e that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand." Revelation 1:3

Cortez Badolato: The one thing we can be sure of in all of this, is that a majority of people in the three states that banned same-sex marriage are ignorant bigoted morons.How about a ballot proposition that bans ignorant bigoted morons from voting? Oh, and only non-ignorant non--bigoted non-morons can vote on it.P.S. God joined together same sex couples in California until this week. What, did God change his mind? Maybe he just wants more gays to visit Hawaii - God does work in mysterious ways.

Dulcie Edis: Not much different from what you get at www.choothomas.com/Revelations should be the final book you read in the Bible. Basically it wasn't very much dreams that John had. He met the Lord and the angels who gave him the visions. They weren't a trance, it was a real physical experience - "heard and seen it"! . Those visions were visions of the future - it hasn't happened even ri! ght now.

Azzie Trembly: Lots.Including me.

Samara Siewers: Aside from William Gay Craig.The biggest problem with the ontological argument is that it structurally allows you to "prove" the existence of god but anything you can conceive of.

Flor Lizardi: I have been married to the same man for 35 years.What God has joined together let no man put asunder.God joined male and female. This is not news.From when time began.

Antone Bual: I'll buy you a beer if you don't get a response linking homosexuality to pedophilia or beastiality.That said, it doesn't affect my marriage at all.

Kizzy Hett: these dreams he had seem more psychedelic enhanced, than inspiration from God. this is one part of the new testement that reminds me of much of the torah. hard for me to wrap my mind around it. hard for me to believe it.

Samara Siewers: I wonder why someone would compare gay marriage to divorce? Is that because they think both are wrong? Guilty by associat! ion?

Adelle Weight: I believe and am blessed by their reading.

Dexter Gold: It doesnt. And many straight people have ruined the sancitity of marriage first with cheating, skirting around, getting married purley for legal reasons, people who dont activly practice the Chrisitian religion.........I mean whats next, I wont be allowed to legally marry because I dont attend church?THese people are not asking for moral or religious approval. THey are asking for the same legal rights everyone else has. They want to be able to share medical beneftits, file taxes together, legal next of kin and those things. And most of the homosexual community will tell you those are the things they are fighting for if you ask....Show more

Peter Lapoint: I didn't know I was even on my fourth marriage... I must be paying a load of alimony! (Nope - I'm 12 years into my first and hopefully only). Look, I understand the frustration of you not getting what you want. But where exa! ctly in the law does it say that marriage is even a right and not a pri! vilege? Why shouldn't I be able to marry my sister? As long as we've been fixed, the birth defect argument holds no water.Not everyone can even perform a marriage ceremony without either being a judge or a "bona fide" minister. This is one root of the problem, IMO.

Georgina Natal: The same way interracial marriage affects my marriage (interracial marriage wasn't legal in Alabama until 2000, kids).

Clinton Quant: it will threat the sanctity of those just -for-fun Vegas marriages that only last 24 hours

Brittanie Zakutney: It makes my marriage less... er.... exclusive and privileged.I need to feel super special, like marriage is just for opposite sex couples.Why people would want to take away this specialness is beyond me.

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