Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Has Global warming officially changed to Climate Change?

Ivan Velazquez: no, it's just something the denialist brigade like to shout about because they think it confirms their paranoid conspiracy theory about it being a hoax. The reality is a little different, both terms have been kicking around for a while.http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/climate_...

Ulrike Hert: Global warming my a$$,every winder is colder and heavier

Rosalva Steinmann: It is now global change. Try to keep up.

Corey Rohleder: Doesn't matter, they're two words for the same phenomenon.

Damion Oleksa: No, idiot it is anthropogenic global climate change.Just kidding about the idiot part.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq4Bc2WCsdE

Jerrod Guilfoil: Climate Change.Because apparently some people couldn't grasp that global warming causes shift in weather patterns, which while increasing the world's average temperature, might make their local neighborhood colder. Far too many people seem to have the daft idea that because winter! comes every year this disproves that the world is getting warmer....Show more

Anibal Katayama: No. Officially, both terms are accepted as labels for the same theory. "Climate Change" was adopted because idiots thought the fact that the globe wasn't constantly warming everywhere meant "global warming" theory wasn't true.

Catheryn Small: With the heating trend in the west it should stay global warming. Overall the globe is warming. Average the temperatures over the US (including the west) and Canada as far north as the poles any you have above average temperatures overall.

Maynard Phoubandith: Maybe we'd get further if idiots would consider the PROBLEM, and not be so preoccupied with what people call it.

Tijuana Tatsak: Yes they had to change it to cover everything as it's not getting warmer.So now no matter what they say climate change did it pay more for everything an we can fix it .Even if China an India are building a coal plant a week.

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