Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Comment publier soi-même des livres d

Comment publier soi-même des livres d

Choisissez la reliure pour le livre. Il existe plusieurs options pour la reliure du livre pour enfants, y compris la reliure en spirale, la reliure parfaite et la reliure reliée à un boîtier. Choisissez la bonne reliure pour le livre afin qu’il apparaisse exactement comme vous le souhaitez.

Commandez le livre. Une fois que vous avez déterminé la conception et le tirage du livre, commandez-le par le biais d’un service d’impression en ligne. Sélectionnez vos options d’expédition via le service. Lorsque vous recevez les livres par la poste, examinez-les pour vous assurer qu’ils correspondent exactement à votre commande.

Utilisez un service d’impression en ligne. L’option la plus populaire et la plus accessible pour l’auto-édition d’un livre pour enfants est peut-être un service! d’impression en ligne. Ces services, tels que Book Baby, Art bookbindery et Blurb, offrent des services de publication complets, de la mise en page à la conception de la couverture, en passant par les épreuves imprimées, les affiches promotionnelles pour le livre et les options de livraison du produit final. Ils offrent souvent des services d’édition de base à un prix très bas et constituent une bonne option facile pour l’auto-édition.

Organiser des événements promotionnels dans les écoles et les bibliothèques. Pour promouvoir le livre auprès des jeunes lecteurs, songez à organiser des lectures dans les écoles de votre région. Recherchez des journées de lecture à votre bibliothèque locale et d’autres événements dans la communauté où vous pouvez promouvoir le livre auprès des jeunes lecteurs.

Faites réviser le livre. Une autre façon d’attirer l’attention des jeunes lecteurs sur un livre qu’ils publient eux-mêmes est de le ! faire réviser dans des publications. Essayez d’envoyer des ! exemplaires de votre livre à des publications comme Publisher’s Weekly, School Library Journal et Audiofile Magazine. Ils peuvent décider de revoir votre livre s’ils le trouvent bon.

Déterminez le tirage. Avant de publier votre livre pour enfants, pensez au nombre d’exemplaires que vous voulez imprimer ou au tirage. Si vous prévoyez distribuer le livre uniquement à vos amis et à votre famille, vous pouvez commencer par un tirage réduit. Si vous voulez distribuer le livre aux librairies de votre région, vous pouvez faire un tirage plus important.

Choisissez des illustrations en couleur ou non. Un autre détail clé de l’édition est de savoir si le livre a des illustrations en couleur ou non. Les illustrations en couleur seront plus chères que les illustrations en noir et blanc. Cependant, vous pouvez opter pour des illustrations en couleur si vous prévoyez offrir le livre en cadeau à vos amis et à votre famille ou si vous souhaitez promouvoir! le livre dans les librairies.

Décidez si vous voulez des livres à couverture rigide ou souple. Vous pouvez décider de faire un certain nombre de livres à couverture souple et quelques livres à couverture rigide pour commencer, ou seulement un certain nombre de copies à couverture rigide. Les livres à couverture rigide coûteront plus cher à imprimer que les livres à couverture souple, alors gardez cela à l’esprit lorsque vous décidez.

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Décidez de la taille du livre. Vous pouvez choisir parmi une variété de tailles pour le livre. Les formats les plus populaires pour les livres pour enfants sont le carré (10 po x 10 po), le paysage (11 po x 8,5 po) et le portrait (8,5 po x 11 po). La taille que vous choisissez peut dépendre du format du livre ainsi que de la taille des illustrations et du texte.

Choisissez un service de publication en ligne seulement. Si vous ne voulez pas de copies papier du livre, utilisez un service de publication en ligne s! eulement. Les vendeurs de livres en ligne comme Amazon offrent une option de publication en ligne seulement pour les auto-éditeurs, où le livre est vendu comme un livre électronique. Vous payez des frais à Amazon pour vendre votre livre en ligne pour vous. Lorsqu’un livre est vendu, vous recevez un montant fixe de la vente.

How does gay marriage affect your marriage?

Madie Strople: It will not affect any one's marriage! Jehovah God condemns unnatural sex acts: Marriage according to the Bible is between one man and one woman. As shown in Genesis. Adam & Eve were married by Jehovah God--it was not Adam and Steve! Then in the Christian Greek scriptures it mentions the word "porneia" where our word pornography came from--also in the Bible book of 1 Corinthians it mentions homosexual conduct (condemning it and then) saying " that is what some of you WERE, but you have been washed CLEAN..." after accepting God's counsel and repented and turned around! 1 Corinthians 5:11-13 “ But now I am writing you to stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man. For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among ! yourselves.” What could be the wisdom behind this counsel? To repent and turn around. Remember Sodom & Gomorra? That is also a reminder of how God's wrath can be to unrepentant sinners!...Show more

Beau Starcevic: 2 Timothy 3:16,17"ALL Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."

Tyler Burkman: Umm... I'm not really sure.

Weldon Totaro: It wouldn't threaten the sanctity of my marriage covenant; however, because I choose to vote, I can play a role in keeping it strictly heterosexual. When it came up for vote in my state, I did just that, and 65% of people agreed with me.

Dexter Dingus: I truly believe it whole heartily. Daniel, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah had some of the same dreams. It is not one book only, but God is warning us through all the Bible. You either believe the wh! ole Bible or not at all. You cannot pick and chose what you w! ant to believe or not believe. It is the inspired Word of God. The Holy Spirit breathed these words to all the writers of the Bible.

Jed Porada: Gay marriage doesn't ruin my marriage at all, why would it? People love who they love and to be able to love at all is a great gift. What someone else does behind closed doors does not effect me in any way. People should stop worrying about what others do and look more closely at their own lives. What someone points a finger at is something that they have a difficult time dealing with because of something in themselves....Show more

Darren Heling:

Manual Burtis: it could truthfully be used to instruct god does no longer exist: The advent of the international is the main marvellous fulfillment conceivable. The benefit of an fulfillment is the made of (a) its intrinsic high quality, and (b) the skill of its author. The greater advantageous the incapacity (or handicap) of the author, the greater marvelous t! he fulfillment. the main ambitious handicap for a author could be non-existence. as a result if we predict that the universe is the made of an existent author we are in a position to conceive an more advantageous being - specifically, one that created each and everything at a similar time as no longer present day. An present day God as a result does no longer be a being greater advantageous than which an more advantageous won't have the capacity to be conceived because of the fact a good greater ambitious and stunning author could be a God which did no longer exist. Ergo: God does no longer exist.

Willa Holte: I'm not married, but it wouldn't, of course.I would say the sanctity of marriage is much more threatened by the prevalence of divorce than its diversification.(I would remind those who level that charge against gay marriage that the same charge was leveled a few decades ago at interracial marriage when that was still controversial.)...Show more

Georgia Dee! s: It doesn't affect mine, personally. BUT...........Marriage is an hol! y institution, sanctified by God. Homosexuality is unholy.The two are mutually exclusive.What this latest garbage is out of the homo community is just more militant queer tactics, designed to force people to accept what they are. Period. No more, no less.The fact that they are asking for this right speaks volumes for the degrading state of affairs in this nation. Further, the violation of Federal law that California has commited in legalizing this type of unholy marriage speaks even louder in verifying that the people of this country are of a reprobate mind. What's next> Gay married men going down to the local orphanage, and adopting a couple darling little boys?I say they belong back in the closet, where they were for so long....Show more

An Cardine: I do, and so do many, many others. Everything that was predicted in the Bible happened. So why should this prophesy be any different?

Roselee Mczeal: Wanda Sykes asks the same question:http://www.youtube.com/watch?! v=1IHdaJOZe7E

Arlen Hamper: An excellent question. I challenge anyone to logically show how gay marriage has any negative effect upon straight marriage at all. So far, no one has been able to show a single example of gay marriage haveing a detrimental effect on straight marriage....Show more

Chet Nozick: Neither my wife nor I had ever been married before. We married until death do us part and we take that vow very seriously. We take it so seriously that gay marriage will have no impact on the strength of our marriage whatsoever.There is no such thing as sanctity or sanctification. It's made up. It's like saying our marriage "has more unicorns" than another.Hugh - is the concept of "consenting adults" too difficult for you? NAMBLA is a bunch of crap, I agree. But gay marriage wouldn't lead to man-boy marriage.

Palmira Lochridge: The ontological argument makes up a big part of the Big Bang (one of the reasons I reject the Big Bang)... Whats your point?I! t is not necessary to rely on the Ontological argument. There is plenty! of evidence in nature that supports the assertion of creation and therefore by inference a creator. The only reason that interpretation of WHAT happened is rejected is because the skeptic does not want to consider the WHO did it, despite the fact that WHAT and WHO are two completely different questions!

Blaine Connett: sometimes you really have to dig if you want to understand the truth. i believe revelations.

Rivka Killmer: I'm not married yet, but will be getting married. And once I do, of course, the issue of gay marriage won't impact my relationship in any way whatsoever.

Leontine Kreitz: No, it's hogwash. The reason it fails is that "God" doesn't exist in the imagination, but rather the idea of God exists in the imagination. My having a conception of a god is not that god existing, but only in my head. It is my idea of that god existing.

Ofelia Kieck: Following an ontological argument, there is a massive invisible pink unicorn flying directl! y over Mitt Romney's head dropping invisible, weightless, odorless poo on his left shoulder.

Roselee Mczeal: No. Not only "conceive of" , but also plausible. I can conceive of a a squared circle, but it isn't plausible for one to actually exist. In applying to God... he is both conceivable and plausible.Your William Craig reference is off. Craig doesn't use this argument much. His approach is the Cosmological argument. He would agree that an ontological is difficult to defend.... But really you have to represent it correctly.

Whitney Saborido: Neither my husband nor I have ever been married before. We married until death do us part and we take that vow very seriously. Gay marriage no only threatens the sanctity of marriage but it threatens all man kind because it is contrary to God's will for us as a people.

Jarrod Darnall: marriage ruins the "sanctity" of true devoted affection.marriage is a contrue love has no description. true love needs no ! rings to be bound. true love does not exist in marriage....Show more

Derick Kinnard: around the time of John's Revelation such visions he observed have been extremely seen via tens of 1000's of persons around Jerusalem. They weren't the comparable visions John observed, yet they have been extremely seen via tens of 1000's of persons on the comparable time. The Jewish student and Historian Josephus recorded the scene of 1000's of persons seen interior the clouds over Jerusalem or maybe chariots seen interior the skies. Josephus grew to become into nicely conscious that sceptics like your self could doubt what he wrote, and is going to pains to describe those sightings have been seen via 1000's of excellent witnesses. The Roman Historian Tacitus confirms those activities have been seen via Roman witnesses and others interior the section on the time. human beings living interior the centuries after the form recorded the 'Sky human beings' as nicely. So is there something 'superb' approximately John's Revelation? never, not till you throw ou! t historic activities in simple terms because of the fact they don't comply inclusive of your criteria of certainty right this moment. What John observed grew to become right into a glimpse of destiny activities.

Vince Delarge: If you believe that a gay person should be able to marry because that is how they are made and have just as much right to be happy as a heterosexual.Then..so shouldPedophile marry their young lovers (NAMBLA) is going for that now, as does the UN.Animal lovers marry their sexual preference.Same logic..

Cierra Gadbaw: Its just fair! all those poor men that married celibate windbags.....they could have married their buddy and watched football all the time...same celibacy. more football. and they are bitter.

Buster Exline: No one has the right to redefine marriage. If you allow gay marriage to pander to homosexuals, you must also (in the name of tolerance) allow any combination of consenting and legally defined participants. In sho! rt, when anything goes, everything must be allowed to go.

Rick Du! chane: It couldn't possibly affect me or the sanctity of any marriage.

Piedad Bassiti: whoever says that needs to learn the actual history of marriage. it is not a judeo-christian idea. it hasn't always involved just two people, it hasn't always involved only people of the opposite sex, sometimes they are pre-arranged by the parents, family, or tribe. there is no reason to believe that the judeo-christian system of marriage is "god sanctioned" or the right way. it is simply a reinforcement of our current societal norms. not that i have anything against that. but i still believe gay people have the right to be married as well....Show more

Jacques Teri: I get your point, but you know couples fight and split just as much in the gay world as the hetero world.

Renay Billiar: Ummm...Makes it tougher to book a hall for the reception?

Marcelina Schossow: I believe the Revelation of Jesus Christ as told by John the beloved Disciple.~OM~"Blessed is h! e that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein; for the time is at hand." Revelation 1:3

Cortez Badolato: The one thing we can be sure of in all of this, is that a majority of people in the three states that banned same-sex marriage are ignorant bigoted morons.How about a ballot proposition that bans ignorant bigoted morons from voting? Oh, and only non-ignorant non--bigoted non-morons can vote on it.P.S. God joined together same sex couples in California until this week. What, did God change his mind? Maybe he just wants more gays to visit Hawaii - God does work in mysterious ways.

Dulcie Edis: Not much different from what you get at www.choothomas.com/Revelations should be the final book you read in the Bible. Basically it wasn't very much dreams that John had. He met the Lord and the angels who gave him the visions. They weren't a trance, it was a real physical experience - "heard and seen it"! . Those visions were visions of the future - it hasn't happened even ri! ght now.

Azzie Trembly: Lots.Including me.

Samara Siewers: Aside from William Gay Craig.The biggest problem with the ontological argument is that it structurally allows you to "prove" the existence of god but anything you can conceive of.

Flor Lizardi: I have been married to the same man for 35 years.What God has joined together let no man put asunder.God joined male and female. This is not news.From when time began.

Antone Bual: I'll buy you a beer if you don't get a response linking homosexuality to pedophilia or beastiality.That said, it doesn't affect my marriage at all.

Kizzy Hett: these dreams he had seem more psychedelic enhanced, than inspiration from God. this is one part of the new testement that reminds me of much of the torah. hard for me to wrap my mind around it. hard for me to believe it.

Samara Siewers: I wonder why someone would compare gay marriage to divorce? Is that because they think both are wrong? Guilty by associat! ion?

Adelle Weight: I believe and am blessed by their reading.

Dexter Gold: It doesnt. And many straight people have ruined the sancitity of marriage first with cheating, skirting around, getting married purley for legal reasons, people who dont activly practice the Chrisitian religion.........I mean whats next, I wont be allowed to legally marry because I dont attend church?THese people are not asking for moral or religious approval. THey are asking for the same legal rights everyone else has. They want to be able to share medical beneftits, file taxes together, legal next of kin and those things. And most of the homosexual community will tell you those are the things they are fighting for if you ask....Show more

Peter Lapoint: I didn't know I was even on my fourth marriage... I must be paying a load of alimony! (Nope - I'm 12 years into my first and hopefully only). Look, I understand the frustration of you not getting what you want. But where exa! ctly in the law does it say that marriage is even a right and not a pri! vilege? Why shouldn't I be able to marry my sister? As long as we've been fixed, the birth defect argument holds no water.Not everyone can even perform a marriage ceremony without either being a judge or a "bona fide" minister. This is one root of the problem, IMO.

Georgina Natal: The same way interracial marriage affects my marriage (interracial marriage wasn't legal in Alabama until 2000, kids).

Clinton Quant: it will threat the sanctity of those just -for-fun Vegas marriages that only last 24 hours

Brittanie Zakutney: It makes my marriage less... er.... exclusive and privileged.I need to feel super special, like marriage is just for opposite sex couples.Why people would want to take away this specialness is beyond me.

Monday, 29 June 2020

Comment se souvenir de l’endroit où vous vous êtes garé

Comment se souvenir de l’endroit où vous vous êtes garé

Prenez une seconde pour observer.    Une seconde, littéralement, c’est tout ce dont vous avez besoin.    Le simple fait de vous dire consciemment : « Ok, c’est ici que je me suis garé » est suffisant pour vous rafraîchir la mémoire plus tard dans la journée, ou même dans les jours suivants.

Quantifier votre emplacement. Si vous avez de la difficulté à vous souvenir d’objets inanimés, recherchez les marques numériques que l’on trouve souvent dans les parcs de stationnement, comme le vert 14 ou l’A7, par exemple.    Afin d’être plus visibles, elles sont généralement grandes et peintes sur des piliers en béton. Une autre façon de quantifier votre emplacement est le nombre de lignes/espaces qu’il faut pour vous rendre à votre emplacement.    Pensez, par exemple, « Je suis au! quatrième rang à partir de la ligne principale, au deuxième rang à partir de la fin ».

Utilisez votre porte-clés.    Si vous n’avez pas encore trouvé votre voiture, il est temps de demander l’aide de vos clés.    Si vous pouvez faire émettre un bip à votre voiture en appuyant sur le bouton « lock », utilisez-le à votre avantage.

Utilisez le GPS.    Avec chaque application disponible de nos jours, il y en a plusieurs qui enregistrent automatiquement l’emplacement de votre voiture lorsqu’elle détecte que vous vous êtes garé et que vous êtes parti.

Demandez de l’aide.    Souvent, les garages de stationnement ou les grands terrains seront sécurisés sur place avec des chariots motorisés.    Couvrez plus de terrain en leur demandant de vous aider à faire un tour dans la région. Deux paires d’yeux valent mieux qu’une !

Enregistrez votre place de parking. Si se souvenir de l’endroit où vous vous êtes garÃ! © est une lutte courante, prenez l’habitude d’en prendre n! ote rapidement (soit sur papier, soit sur une demande téléphonique).    Si vous prenez une photo, reculez suffisamment loin pour que vous puissiez obtenir des détails d’identification dans le cadre.

Is there a way to hide my friend in facebook?

Ollie Hamiel: Is there a way to hide my friend in facebook?

Lucille Saetteurn: Is the day Lupin doesn't work the day of the full moon or the day after? (Harry Potter)?

Myriam Hetjonk: What's a sanctuary city?

Adan Alipio: you cant hide just one friend from your other friends, but you can hide your friend list

Raven Purl: Guys: Which girl would you pick?

Oswaldo Rayburn: Do normal people like there friends?

Cherlyn Tefera: Russian cities??????

Renita Sefton: Yes! you can block your friend! Go to their profile and in options you can press BLOCK . This way, you can't see them on facebook and they can't see you .

Ellis Cellar: Christmas presents boys!?

Letitia Bigelow: Lost Girl Subs HELP !?

Sunday, 28 June 2020

In Cincinnati OH 45238 what dentist accepts medicare?  

In Cincinnati OH 45238 what dentist accepts medicare?  

answers 0:I have a HUGE cavity a piece of my tooth actually came off and I really need to find a dentist ASAP I haven't been in 10 years and this cavity is not looking good. I really need help Finding a dentist that accepts Medicare so I can get this fixedanswers 1:Looking at your other questions you are age 14 or 15. Since you are that age you don't have Medicare, which is generally coverage for those over age 65. Instead, you have Medicaid, which is welfare for the poor.Since you are on welfare you might be on a managed care plan. If so, you need to contact the plan to see if it has dental coverage, and if it does they'll direct you to a dentist that accepts the coverage.If you are not on a managed care plan, and are instead on straight welfare, you need to contact your caseworker for assistance...! .answers 2:Medicare does not cover dentistry unless you are in an Advantage plan that offers some dental benefits.answers 3:None for the purpose you describe. None in zip code 00001 to zip code 99999, either

Do you ever feel like your family is stranger than?

Vickie Clampett: yep we tend to be pretty dysfunctional

Andrew Sinatra: The Addams family got their material from my family. We put the funk in dysfunctional.

Angelyn Ducas: yes and no. Everyone in my family is real hard working eg working on self improvement etc etc except my bro Chris. He is a inigma to all of us. He was spoilt by mom as a child as he nearly died (i had a bad accident so where was my sympathy!)Mysogynist as well. He tries to lok the part but he is a sleazy girl chasing homophobic free mother loading crap artist, who can only relate to people for five minutes at a time.

Clare Hoard: nope, my family is strange, but not as strange as the adams (2 d's??) family.

Coleman Deliberato: Yeah! The Adams family would consider US the kookie neighbors!

Damaris Weiler: Yep

Caleb Chapman: No way

Saturday, 27 June 2020

Comment souscrire et écrire en exposant en HTML

Comment souscrire et écrire en exposant en HTML

p>Cet article vous montrera comment faire du texte en indice et en exposant en HTML. Le texte en caractères gras peut être utilisé pour les formules telles que COsub>2/sub> et le texte en exposant pour les notes de bas de page.

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Saisissez le texte entre les balises que vous souhaitez faire apparaître.

Ouvrez votre fichier HTML avec votre éditeur de texte préféré tel que Notepad ou TextEdit.

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Which is better genetics or environment?

Solomon Belback: It's called genotype by environment interaction and it's one of the most important principles of genetics. You really can't say what genetics are "best" without considering the environment and vice versa. So in short, neither is better, they work together.

Sammy Tabatt: Everything is a function of your genetics. Everything that you experience through your environment is experienced because of your genes. Your genes encode the information that creates your neurons which allow you to sense and respond to your environment. Thus, without your genes, your environment would not matter.

Ira Porietis: Do you even know what you are talking about? Genetics are codes that come from your parents, genetics don't alter the environment- people do! However, environment does alter the genetics over long periods of time. We make the environment around ourselves, which is also a way of saying that we can change the environment, and ultimately alter our g! enetics over time. But this still leads to the environment altering genetics! So in answer to your question the environment affects our genetic mapping to change the future of the genetics, so you will not see any alteration in your genetics ever. But you will adapt to the environment. This adaptation is what leads to the changing of genetics....Show more

Tomeka Hameen: genetics have a better effect on the environment , however some environmental factors can affect the phenotypic traits of some individuals.

Sonya Volcko: The kind of person you are is more a function of environment than of genetics. That doesn't make either "better or worse," but it means that we will be more optimistic about human nature when we agree that it's not permanently established by one's genetic legacy

Marvel Mcaulay: You posit a false dichotomy.

Friday, 26 June 2020

Comment choisir le bon type d’uber

Comment choisir le bon type d’uber

p>Uber et d’autres services de transport se distinguent par le fait qu’Uber offre différents types de voitures dont la taille, l’hébergement, le prix, la qualité et le type de service offert varient. Pour tirer le meilleur parti du service, il est bon de s’assurer que le type d’Uber que vous choisissez correspond bien aux priorités que vous avez pour votre trajet.

Choisissez UberSUV pour les manèges de grands groupes. Les VUS offrent un service haut de gamme, un peu comme UberBLACK et UberSELECT, mais peuvent accueillir jusqu’à 7 passagers. En raison de la nature haut de gamme de ce service, il est plus cher par personne qu’uberX.

Faites glisser l’icône du cavalier vers l’encoche correspondant au service que vous souhaitez prendre. Ceci sélectionnera le type d’Uber que vous allez commander.

Choisi! ssez UberSELECT pour une alternative de haute qualité à uberX. Pour bénéficier du service UberSELECT, les conducteurs et les voitures sont soumis à un processus de  » vérification  » plus rigoureux qui permet d’assurer un service haut de gamme à ceux qui le demandent. Ces voitures coûtent environ deux fois plus cher qu’UberX par mille (avec un tarif de base de 5 $). Ces voitures doivent remplir certaines conditions préalables, à savoir qu’elles doivent le faire :

Demandez votre Uber. Appuyez sur le bouton noir en bas de votre écran pour demander votre Uber. Une fois qu’un chauffeur répondra à votre demande, il sera en route !

Recherchez la barre de défilement affichant vos options Uber. En bas de votre écran, recherchez une barre avec un certain nombre d’encoches qui sont étiquetées avec les noms des différents types de services Uber. Voici les services disponibles dans votre région.

Choisissez UberPool pour le trajet le ! moins cher. Ce service fonctionne comme un service de « covo! iturage ». Si deux coureurs ou plus demandent un Uber et voyagent dans la même direction, ils peuvent se partager le trajet vers chaque destination. Bien que l’UberPool ne trouve pas toujours plusieurs pilotes à prendre en charge et à déposer au cours d’un voyage, quand il le fait, il sera souvent un peu plus lent que l’UberX.

Définissez votre emplacement de ramassage. Touchez la broche noire « Set Pickup Location » au milieu de votre écran pour confirmer votre adresse de ramassage.

Choisissez UberACCESS pour les mesures d’adaptation pour les personnes handicapées. UberACCESS propose des véhicules dont la taille et les exigences fonctionnelles sont inclusives pour les personnes à mobilité physique réduite. UberACCESS se compose de deux options :

Choisissez UberBLACK pour un service luxueux. UberBLACK se veut également de haute qualité, mais dans une mesure encore plus grande que UberSELECT. Ces voitures sont environ 2,9 fois plus! chères qu’uberX (avec un tarif de base de 8 $) et remplissent les conditions préalables suivantes :

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How can i get my live sand clean in my saltwater fish tank and how do i get rid of green hair algae?

Hollis Demasters: There is a variety of creatures you can pick up that will take care of your algal problemsSnails - Three of the most common marine snail species used for controlling algae in saltwater aquariums and reef tanks are the Astraea/Astrea, Turban/Turbo, and Trochus/Trocus, with many varieties found world wide.Hermit Crabs - The Scarlet Hermit Crab (Paguristes cadenanti) is one of the most popular hermits with reef keepers, because of its colorful appearance, and because it will eat all kinds of algae, such as red, green and brown slimes, as well as green hair algae. True crabs, and Urchins - The Emerald Green Crab (Mithrax sculptus) lives among rocks and feeds on algae, especially filamentous and Valonia (Bubble) types. This crab only grows to about one inch in size, and is tauted to be one of the best reef safe crabs to have for chowing down on algae.The Black Collector Urchin (Tripneustes gratilla) is commonly seen in Hawai'i. It spends its time on the reef! slowing cruising around rocks and corals searching for algae to eat, and grows to about five inches in size. This urchins will cruise around on the glass and roam the aquarium in search of algae to eat....Show more

Germaine Tieken: Get a big *** algae eater(saltwater) and get a very strong salt water filter it keeeps sand clear...but can be expensive

Monty Sieloff: I have a fish tank, what you have to do is buy salt water cleaning supplies from the pet store, where ever it is in you area, and take you fish ou t to clean the tank. They also have things too clean the sand with to. My best option is to buy new clean sand jus to be on the safe side

Simona Bulwinkle: my saltwater tank was bought used and came with green hair algae. their is no such thing as a salt water algae eater so thats out of the question ad it would be impossible to catch all of my fish and creatures that i have living in my tank to be able to treat it. Live sand is $2 a pound and their! is over 60 pounds of sand in my tank so buying new sand isnt ! an option. so is their any kind of creatures that can clean the sand. we had a sand sifting star but my crab ate it.

Jeff Frizzell: There are really only two marine animals that will put any sort of noticable dent into your hair algae bloom. The best of the two is a seahare. You can get these for under $20 at your local marine fish store. The other is a green emerald mithrax crab. The crab will do great on the algae in numbers but are also prone to fighting. It's very unlikely that blue legged hermits or scarlet hermits are going to help you out. And snails definitely aren't going to help you. You deffinitely want the sea hare and atleast one mithrax crab, in addition though you need to get the phosphates out of our water, RowaPhos is an awesome product to do just that. It is specifically designed to be used in a fluidized reactor but can just be placed underneath the return on your skimmer. If you have a fish only system then you want drastically reduce the time you ! leave your lights on.Live sand is no more than $30 for a 25lb a bag. Live sand will speed the stabilizing of a new system, but in an established tank will do little more than collect detritus from your fish and overfeeding.Hope this helps. Good Luck!...Show more

Von Houskeeper: change the salt and take the algae out with your hands just playing.get a algae eater

Hal Rouse: It's not the salt you should worry about. Having a little salt is not going to hurt a fish. Actually people use salt in freshwater tank to treat diseases too. The salt residue will slowly go away over time... Think about it, how much salt can there be left anyway? I'm worrying about the ammonium coming from the dead stuff in your live rock and sand. It might kill your fish if you are not doing a fishless cycle. Depending on your sand it could increase the ph to 8+ and GH/KH too. If you have low PH fish it would be a problem. Other than that I see no problem..But then again I am no expert....Sh! ow more

Thursday, 25 June 2020

What advises would you give to teenagers who are sexually active?  

What advises would you give to teenagers who are sexually active?  

answers 0:What advises would you give to teenagers who are sexually active?answers 1:Condoms!!!answers 2:I imagine that my first advice would be "Don't be sexually active", but I doubt they'd pay the slightest bit of attention to it, so I'll move on to my other pieces of advice:1. Use protection. We have enough teen pregnancies.2. Sex doesn't equal love, so don't assume the guy or girl that's banging you is doing it because he or she is madly in love with you, even if they SAY they love you. The last thing you want is to end up sobbing your eyes out and feeling all cheated when your partner goes looking for someone better in bed....answers 3:be safe - always ask about previous partners - testing and make sure to always use protection - condoms/dental damsanswers 4:While all of us adults would prefer if teenagers waited until they are at least ! 18 we know it's not practical to just scream "DON'T YOU DARE" at teens. I don't have kids but if I did I would take the same approach my parents took with me. I would make sure my teen had very comprehensive sex education. Because I am from a conservative town I did not get that in school; my mom took me to the health department and sat me down with a counselor who armed me with tons of literature, online links, and free condoms. This counselor also performed the battery of HIV and STD testing on me even though I was a virgin. He believed it was important that I know before I started having sex what responsible sexually active people do to take care of themselves and their partners.So, my advice would be not only to make sure you always have condoms (or birth control if you're a girl - both in combination are best, but one is better than none) but that you are armed to the teeth with as much health information as you can possibly get access to. Finally, once you start! having sex it's important to get tested twice per year....ans! wers 5:As ludicrous as this will sound, and teens will turn a deaf ear."Don't" would be my first but of advice,but as a teen once, albeit gay, which this question is out of category, it might depend on the ages of the teens, the forms of protection used, their personal hygiene, moral values set by parents, even if denied, Peer pressure certainly, "Have you done it yet" in wanting to keep up with the crowd. As young teens my GF and I would have never come out, but we did in late teens, and it was accepted. Part of the issue, is we have two babies adopted from 14 year old mothers....answers 6:Try not to be and if you are at the very least use protection? Also girls (if heterosexual) don't just rely on a condom to stop you getting pregnant. Also I would advise been careful who you sleep with. Final bit advice if you are insistent on been sexually active get checked frequently for STD's and STI's.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Has Global warming officially changed to Climate Change?

Ivan Velazquez: no, it's just something the denialist brigade like to shout about because they think it confirms their paranoid conspiracy theory about it being a hoax. The reality is a little different, both terms have been kicking around for a while.http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/climate_...

Ulrike Hert: Global warming my a$$,every winder is colder and heavier

Rosalva Steinmann: It is now global change. Try to keep up.

Corey Rohleder: Doesn't matter, they're two words for the same phenomenon.

Damion Oleksa: No, idiot it is anthropogenic global climate change.Just kidding about the idiot part.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq4Bc2WCsdE

Jerrod Guilfoil: Climate Change.Because apparently some people couldn't grasp that global warming causes shift in weather patterns, which while increasing the world's average temperature, might make their local neighborhood colder. Far too many people seem to have the daft idea that because winter! comes every year this disproves that the world is getting warmer....Show more

Anibal Katayama: No. Officially, both terms are accepted as labels for the same theory. "Climate Change" was adopted because idiots thought the fact that the globe wasn't constantly warming everywhere meant "global warming" theory wasn't true.

Catheryn Small: With the heating trend in the west it should stay global warming. Overall the globe is warming. Average the temperatures over the US (including the west) and Canada as far north as the poles any you have above average temperatures overall.

Maynard Phoubandith: Maybe we'd get further if idiots would consider the PROBLEM, and not be so preoccupied with what people call it.

Tijuana Tatsak: Yes they had to change it to cover everything as it's not getting warmer.So now no matter what they say climate change did it pay more for everything an we can fix it .Even if China an India are building a coal plant a week.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Comment faire une potion à emporter dans RuneScape

Comment faire une potion à emporter dans RuneScape

Mélanger un wergali propre avec un flacon d’eau. Ceci créera une « Potion Wergali (unf) ».

Recueillir les ingrédients.

Utilise la plume mauviette dessus. Cela créera une potion à trois doses.

Atteindre le niveau 58 en herboristerie.

what is global warming ?

Randa Hessell: Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation into the future. Millions of tons of crap DAILY into the atmosphere is nothing to sneeze at. Pun intended. We are screwing ourselves over for a buck.Shooting ourselves in the herd.Stepping on our own ducks.Cutting off our nose to spite our finch.Kicking ourselves in the aardvark. We're ruining it for everybody and everything, and people who can't accept it are three fries short of a Happy Meal. Have a nice day....Show more

Byron Fortmann: A careful look at global warming, as a topic, shows that there is a great deal of disagreement about the facts and substance of climate change. Those who blame man for climate change often disagree about what facts lead them to that conclusion. Those who hold man totally innocent of it often ignore established facts. Experience and research leads us to believe that w! arming is, in fact, occurring; however, there is little to no objective evidence that man is the cause, nor that the effects will be catastrophic. The idea of earth “wearing out” is an apt analogy. This entire world has been continually decaying since the fall.Global warming “facts” are notoriously hard to come by. One of the few facts universally agreed upon is that the current average temperature of Earth is indeed rising at this time. According to most estimates, this increase in temperature amounts to about 0.4-0.8 °C (0.72-1.44 °F) over the last 100 years. Data regarding times before that is not only highly theoretical but very difficult to obtain with any accuracy. The very methods used to obtain historical temperature records are controversial, even among the most ardent supporters of the theory of human-caused climate change. The facts leading one to believe that humans are not responsible for the current change in temperature are as follows:• Global tem! perature changes from past millennia, according to available d! ata, were often severe and rapid, long before man supposedly had any impact at all. That is, the current climate change is not as unusual as some alarmists would like to believe.• Recent recorded history mentions times of noticeable global warming and cooling, long before man had any ability to produce industrial emissions.• Water vapor, not CO2, is the most influential greenhouse gas. It is difficult to determine what effect, if any, mankind has on worldwide water vapor levels.• Given the small percentage of human-produced CO2, as compared to other greenhouse gases, human impact on global temperature may be as little as 1%.• Global temperatures are known to be influenced by other, non-human-controlled factors, such as sunspot activity, orbital movement, volcanic activity, solar system effects, and so forth. CO2 emission is not the only plausible explanation for global warming.• Ice Age temperature studies, although rough, frequently show temperatures changing bef! ore CO2 levels, not after. This calls into question the relationship between warming and carbon dioxide; in some cases, the data could easily be interpreted to indicate that warming caused an increase in carbon dioxide, rather than the reverse!• Computer simulations used to “predict” or “demonstrate” global warming require the assumption of human causation, and even then are not typically repeatable or reliable. Current computer weather simulations are neither predictive nor repeatable.• Most of the global temperature increase of the last 100 years occurred before most of the man-made CO2 was produced.• In the 1970s, global temperatures had actually been dropping since 1945, and a “global cooling” concern became prominent, despite what is now dismissed as a lack of scientific support.• The “consensus” claimed by most global warming theorists is not scientific proof; rather, it is a statement of majority opinion. Scientific majorities have been wrongl! y influenced by politics and other factors in the past. Such agreement ! is not to be taken lightly, but it is not the same thing as hard proof.• This “consensus,” as with many other scientific theories, can be partially explained by growing hostility to those with differing viewpoints, making it less likely that a person without preconceived notions would take on the subject for research. The financial and political ramifications of the global warming debate are too serious to be ignored, though they should not be central to any discussion.• The data being used to support anthropogenic (man-caused) global warming is typically based on small data sets, single samples, or measurements taken in completely different regions. This creates an uncertainty in the results that rarely gets the attention that alarmist conclusions do.While the above list is not exhaustive, it does include several of the major points that raise doubts about mankind’s actual effect on global temperatures. While no one can deny that warming is occurring, “overwhel! ming evidence” of any objective type does not exist to support the idea that global warming is significantly influenced by human actions. There is plenty of vague, short-sighted, and misunderstood data that can be seen as proving “anthropogenic” global-warming theory. All too often, data used to blame humans for global warming is far less reliable than data used for other areas of study. It is a valid point of contention that the data used in these studies is frequently flawed, easily misinterpreted, and subject to preconception.In regards to issues such as this, skepticism is not the same as disbelief. There are fragments of evidence to support both sides, and logical reasons to choose one interpretation over another. The question of anthropogenic global warming should not divide Christian believers from each other (Luke 11:17). Environmental issues are important, but they are not the most important questions facing mankind. Christians ought to treat our world with r! espect and good stewardship, but we should not allow politically driven! hysteria to dominate our view of the environment. Our relationship with God is not dependent on our belief in human-caused global warming.For further research on global warming, we recommend the following articles:http://www.icr.org/article/3233/http://www.junkscience.com/Greenhouse/ http://www.clearlight.com/~mhieb/WVFossils/ice_age...http://www.xtronics.com/reference/globalwarming.ht...http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2002/5/14...http://www.whrc.org/carbon/images/GlobalCarbonCycl...http://www.grida.no/climate/ipcc_tar/wg1/fig3-1.ht...Read more: http://www.gotquestions.org/global-warming.html#ix......Show more

Gaylord Barragan: With the population explosion we have currently, world wide, there is now the greatest need for water the world has ever known. This includes water not only needed for humans but for all of the animals grown for human consumption, also plant and crop life as well to grow all of the produce to eat. This is why the Polar ice caps are me! lting, so we will all have enough water to drink!

Judie Kise: Global Warming Catastrophe Debunked By Scientists On Fox SpecialBy Rev. Louis P. Sheldon Chairman, Traditional Values Coalition May 23, 2006 - Fox News reporter David Asman hosted an important investigative report on Sunday evening entitled, “Global Warming: The Debate Continues.” This latest report was a counterpoint to a Fox feature that aired last November on the same topic. Asman’s report featured numerous scientists and Senator James Inhofe (R-OK) who chairs the U.S. Senate Committee On Environment and Public Works.All of those interviewed for this show were skeptical of the claims made by former Vice President Al Gore and radical environmental activists on the causes, extent and potential damage that global warming might cause to the future of our planet. Much of the hysteria generated by Gore and his cronies in Hollywood about global warming causing melting icecaps or the flooding of coastal ci! ties, is unsupported by scientific data, according to meteorologists an! d climatologists who were interviewed for Asman’s special. In fact, many of the same environmentalists in the 1970s who were screaming about pollution bringing about a new ice age, are now claiming just the opposite with their dire warnings about global warming. They were wrong then; they are wrong now. Those scientific experts who were interviewed by Asman pointed out that the computer models used by Al Gore and other environmental activists to predict future world flooding, etc., are notoriously unreliable. These models fail to take into account the extraordinarily complex nature of the environment. Two of the scientists interviewed by Asman said that activity on the sun may be a major factor that is overlooked by the Chicken Little environmentalists. Radicals like Al Gore typically look at the worst-case scenariosâ€"and those are based on flawed computer modelsâ€"that fail to take into account future scientific breakthroughs. Gore and his cronies also ignore the curren! t efforts being made by the Bush Administration to encourage such technology as energy plants that convert coal into gasâ€"or technology that converts grains into low emission fuels. Senator James Inhofe has called the claim that global warming is a man-made problem, as “the world’s greatest hoax.” I am convinced he is correctâ€"and many reputable scientists agree with him. Former surgeon and best-selling author Michael Crichton wrote “State of Fear” in 2004 to expose the radical environmental movement and its wildly inaccurate claims about future ecological disasters being caused by global warming. Crichton researched the environmental issue for three years before he began writing this bookâ€"and wrote a devastating critique of environmentalism in his author’s message in “State of Fear.” Crichton observed: “Nobody knows how much warming will occur in the next century. The computer models vary by 400%, de facto proof that nobody knows. … We can’t ‘as! sess’ the future, nor can we ‘predict’ it. These are euphemisms. ! We can only guess. An informed guess is just a guess.” So, the next time Al Gore gives a speech about man-made global warming, melting ice caps, and flooded coastal cities, keep in mind that he’s just guessingâ€"and basing his wild opinions on the worst case scenarios developed by unreliable computer models. (And, remember that this is Hollywood’s pick for the presidential run in 2008.) Al Gore has a history of making statements that are unsupported by the facts. Entire web sites have been developed to chronicle Gore’s misstatements, including one published by National Review magazine several years ago. This is hardly a man who could be trusted with our national defense or environment if he became president....Show more

Leora Klingelhoets: Global warming is the increase in ave global temperature that we'ver been experiencing since the start of the industrial revolution and even more so in the last 40 years. Yes it is serious. It is easily unprecedented over th! e last 10000 years that civilization has flourished, and quite likely unprecedented over the last 3.5 million years. See my answer in http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ao... for what could happen (worst case).So if I interpret this correctly, sailcatt would have you believe that because Fox collected a few scientists to present the minority opinon that this is reason to ignore the fact that the entire world scientic community has reached consensus in the other direction. What he fails to mention is that the reason why this broadcast was so one-sided was that FOX had previously presented a one-hour special on globall warming hosted by Rick Folbaum that was equally one-sided:"FOX News is attempting to rise above politics on the global warming debate. ... FOX News will continue to report all sides of the global warming issue (and all issues, for that matter), and let you come to your own conclusions about it. We hope you watch and enjoy our special, 'Global Warm! ing: The Debate Continues.' " -- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,1! 95877,00..htmlJust to set the record straight:From a book published by Harvard University Press: "In 2001 a panel representing virtually all the world's governments and climate scientists announced that they had reached a consensus: the world was warming at a rate without precedent during at least the last ten millennia, and that warming was caused by the buildup of greenhouse gases from human activity." (http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/WEADIS.html ). So, for the most part, scientists have been in agreement about this for the last 6 years. Continuing research by mainstream science supports those conclusions. According to the US EPA, the US Climate Change Science Program CCSP) released a report in May 2006, "which addresses some of the long-standing difficulties in understanding changes in atmospheric temperatures and the basic causes of these changes." (http://epa.gov/climatechange/science/recenttc.html... ). When I look at the CCSP report, it says, "Our best scientific ! understanding is that:• Increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases (which are primarily due to fossil fuel burning) result in largescale warming of the Earth’s surface and troposphere, and cooling of the stratosphere." (http://www.climatescience.gov/Library/sap/sap1-1/f... ). I encourage everyone to have a look at the full summary of the report for themselves and decide for yourself. It's easy reading.NASA says, "the general consensus among scientists is that global warming is real and its overall effects are detrimental" (http://eospso.gsfc.nasa.gov/ftp_docs/Global_Warmin... , page 6 )In fact, it is so detremental that the Attorney General of California has filed suit against the 6 auto manufacturers and 5 utilities here in CA. (http://ag.ca.gov/newsalerts/cms06/06-082_0a.pdf?PH... , http://ag.ca.gov/newsalerts/release.php?id=709&yea... ) for ignoring the IPCC statements, stating in the lawsuit, "Defendants knew or should have known, and know or should know, that their! emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases contribute to gl! obal warming and to the resulting injuries and threatened injuries to California, its citizens and residents, environment, and economy."There really is little controversy in the scientific community on this issue. There's a small handful of vocal people, many of whom have strong ties to the oil industry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Global_warmi... ) who are keeping the debate alive. When people mention this or that group of scientists that represent the dissenting minority position, I would be curious what percentage that group constitutes. Consensus is not the same and unanimity; as long as two people are left on the planet, they will disagree about something.Now that the oil companies here in the US have begun to abandon their position and Pres Bush followed suit a few days ago in his State of the Union Address, I am hopeful that the US will ratify the Kyoto Protocol and join in the efforts worldwide to slow the progression of global warming....Show more

! Cliff Jacoby: Watch the Al Gore movie on global warming. Its called An Inconvenient truth. It was great!

Cuc Gire: The build up of green house gasses in the atmoshpere that create the green house effect in the Earth's atmoshpere increasing global temperature. Yes it is a serious matter. There are very large holes in the ozone layer at the north and south poles. The polar ice caps melt b/c of global warming. It is said to be possibly linked to catostrophic events that will happen in the future if nothing is done.

Lanita Reichman: Global warming is the same as global cooling, because measured by temperature. Temperature is everywhere in the Universe, and it is the most evident fact of existence.

Vickie Sterbenz: Global warming is the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation into the future.Global average near-surface atmospheric temperature rose 0.6 ± 0.2 °Celsius (1.! 1 ± 0.4 °Fahrenheit) in the 20th century. The prevailing scientific o! pinion on climate change is that "most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities."[1] The main cause of the human-induced component of warming is the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are released by activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture.Models referenced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict that global temperatures may increase by 1.4 to 5.8 °C (2.5 to 10.5 °F) between 1990 and 2100. The uncertainty in this range results from both the difficulty of predicting the volume of future greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainty about climate sensitivity.An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation.! These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer streamflows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Warming is expected to affect the number and magnitude of these events; however, it is difficult to connect particular events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, warming (and sea level rise) is expected to continue past then, since CO2 has a long average atmospheric lifetime.Remaining scientific uncertainties include the exact degree of climate change expected in the future, and especially how changes will vary from region to region across the globe. A hotly contested political and public debate has yet to be resolved, regarding whether anything should be done, and what could be cost-effectively done to reduce or revers! e future warming, or to deal with the expected consequences. Most natio! nal governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at combatting global warming....Show more

Davina David: There's a possibility that this is happening, but a very small one.In the 70's, there was actually a scare. This one was called "Global Cooling", and everybody bought into the 'hype' (if you will) that the earth was actually freezing. It turns out that our earth's temperature was staying EXACTLY the same. Weird eh?So now they want us to jump on this band-wagon and buy into the hype of the earth becoming 'hotter' than it was before - when in reality, it's probably still remaining the same. So really, there's no reason to worry. It's just the past lie, but re-created in today's world....Show more

Monday, 22 June 2020

I have a weird rash, should I see a Dr?  

I have a weird rash, should I see a Dr?  

answers 0:I have had a small rash on my chest that resembles a light sunburn for the past 2 months or so. It's about 6 inches wide and 4 inches tall, right in the middle of my chest. Odd tree like shape in the 'cleavage' area that follows the hemlines of the A-shirt's I always wear under other shirts. It does not itch or hurt and after getting some sun you can't tell it is even there. Back-story: It showed up a few weeks after a really bad sore throat I had (early April) went away (sore throat for 5-6 days) but because it does not itch or hurt I left it alone. The other day I went to a pool party and when when I got home I noticed I have the same type of 'rash' on my back but it's smaller spots this time not a solid patch. I wore the a-shirt all day that day and the spots are concentrated on the small of my back. The sore throat/fever was caught from a! girl I met at a wedding back in April, we 'went down' on each other and I did not use a dental dam. I asked her if she had been sick and she said she had strep a couple months ago so I assumed that's what it was and did not seek treatment and it went away on it's own (no insurance). It's been really hot here so I was thinking it was heat rash but after looking up symptoms I think I have Pityriasis rosea which is really freaking me out due to the fact that it can be caused by virus' like STD's! I'm planning on spending the few hundred bucks it'll take to run a full panel of STD tests but if anyone can offer me any more information it would be greatly appreciated. I'm freaking out!...Show moreanswers 1:See a doctor! Nobody on here can truly answer what it is!answers 2:If I were you, I would go see a doctor. Specifically, a dermatologist since they're the ones who deal with skin. No one on here can truly tell you what it is because most of us aren't doctors, and in the off ch! ance that one of us IS a doctor, they haven't seen your rash, ! so they couldn't tell you whats wrong anyways.answers 3:yes you should see a doctoranswers 4:I have the same problem. At 23 weeks i had rashes all over my belly that itches like crazy. It lasted 3 weeks. I don't know if it was the cocoa butter creme I was allergic to kuz it started appearing right after the next day when I used it. Then couples weeks ago..i went to camp and had to put bug off spray on my arms and legs...then i started itching but of course didn't think anything of it, thought I was just having itchy skin. I came home from camp and noticed lil tiny bumps on my arms that blends in with my skin and it was really itchy...and couple days later it turned a bit red in some areas that looks like rash. I have it on both of my arms right now. And on both of my ankles i have lil pimples looking kinda thing that kinda itches too. I just put some ointment that my OB prescribed me when I had that bad RASH on my belly. I hope it goes away soon because the itching is reall! y driving me crazy and making me irritated and plus this hot weather. My fiance keeps telling me it's just the pregnancy hormones thats making my skin like this and it will go away after I give birth. Im hoping he is right....

conservation energy/pulley problem!!!?

Dorris Homola: conservation of energy:mgh = ½Iω²(rotational k.e) + ½mv² (linear kinetic energy) + ½kx² (spring potential)=> mgh = ½I(v/r)²(rotational k.e) + ½mv² (linear kinetic energy) + ½kx²=> 4(9.81)0.15 = ½*½5v² + ½4v² + 50(0.15)²=> 3.25v² = 4.761or v ~= 1.21 m/shope this helps...Show more

Vern Serratos: X= 1.5M !

Salvador Prchlik: i did solve it, just wanna know if i did anything wrong.!

Ronald Moehr: i ment x is 0.15m not 0.1m!and I = 1/2mr^2

Lynn Melbourne: Do your homework

Sunday, 21 June 2020

why is it only an attrocity to enslave men, but not women?  

why is it only an attrocity to enslave men, but not women?  

answers 0:Why wouldn't moslem men fight visciously to continue their slave-holding culture where women are the property/chattel of men? Women can be legally tortured, maimed, disfigured and even killed. women cannot own property, choose marriage partners, drive cars, vote, get education or seek divorce. Women need men's "permission" to leave the 4 walls of their homes, handle even small amounts of money, or seek any health/dental/emergency care. The children born to women are the property of their fathers immediately after birth and women have no choice regarding the number of pregnancies. All family labor, both indoor and outdoor is the burden of the women.etc Yet none of the civilized/industrialized nations intervene because the freedom of MEN is not impaired....Show moreanswers 1:I agre! e with you. Unfortunately, men run governments and women are frequently ignored by those men. The only thing women can do is to increase our involvement in government so that our voices are head and our concerns are not ignoredanswers 2:And we could be headed in this direction. Didn't Obama say we were one of the largest Muslim countries? I think that is what he wishes.answers 3:There appears to be at least one good thing about the society you describe -the children have a home with a Father and a Mother.The so called Christian society in the USA has resulted in Millions of singleparent homes and moral decay.answers 4:This is why we are having the big problems in the Middle EastThe US and the Western Countries cannot legislate morality in their own countries there is to many problems.The world should just take care of their own backyard an stoppestering their neighbors...

Congress recently decided to restore funding ($168 million) for hydrogen fuel cell technology?

Willie Tun: Personally, I think hydrogen cars are a waste of time. It's much more efficient to drive an electric car with the energy you use to make the hydrogen. The infrastructure is just too expensive as well.HOWEVER, hydrogen fuel cells will have a place in this world: as batteries for renewable resources. If renewables are going to be more than 20% of the grid we need some form of backup to keep the grid stable. In my opinion, the best future choice for this is fuel cells powered by hydrogen made from excess renewable energy.This is already happening on a small scale as prototype home hydrogen "generators" are being designed as backups for home solar and wind. Furthermore, there are some companies that want to put wind farms in northern British Columbia, far from transmission lines. Installing transmission lines is too expensive, so they're considering using the wind farms to generate hydrogen, which could then be trucked out.Soo yes, I think research into hydrogen s! till valuable, but perhaps we should focus it on something other than cars....Show more

Lashawnda Anteby: All electric cars are available from Tesla today and new models from Nissan (Leaf) and Chevrolet (Volt) next year. Hydrogen fuel cells could be used as range extenders for these vehicles (versus a gasoline powered generator). But I wouldn't expect to see hydrogen fuel cells in cars anytime soon.

Rhett Kaines: Hydrogen is not a viable energy answer. The reason I believe this is because it is dependent on one thing that is already in short supply. Water. For the sake of argument let's say one gallon of water can produce enough hydrogen energy to replace one gallon of gas.(I believe it would be more than one gallon of water but let's go with one) What do you think would happen if your local water supply ha d to replace all the gasoline in your town right now? I think you get the picture....Show more

Willie Tun: the funding is for job making, not for scien! ce.

Lourie Mcroberts: I absolutely dislike the idea of f! uel cell vehicles. I think that they are a red herring, a distraction, from the future of other electric vehicles.1 I think that paying for research on the vehicles is a waste of resources when the technology to deliver hydrogen is highly unlikely to ever succeed economically. The most likely source of hydrogen would be petrochemicals and their inherent refinery, delivery, and protection costs in pollution and subsidies.BUT: I also dislike the idea of a simple and similar answer for everyone. I like diversity. The electric car is not for everyone. A gasoline vehicle is also not the best vehicle for every situation. The petrochemical engine now holds a near monopoly on our personal transportation. There may be a place for a hydrogen vehicle or the technology may have other applications. We only have to be concerned about stealing from innovation and funding the path that already is not working. We have to look at the larger picture or funding for all items. How f! unds are allocated is more a matter of politics than technology. So it is not surprising that an energy secretary decides to cut funding and a congress, which is influenced in a different way, restores funding. If people don't make their wishes known then congress will listen to other influences in spending our money....Show more

Cherry Stampka: First off, water is not in short supply. Drinking water, irrigation water, Maybe. Hydrogen is made from methane. Methane OTH is expensive, aka natural gas. Does it make sense to turn natural gas into hydrogen to make electricity?? I believe untill we can figure out how to cheaply split water, it is a waste of time. Trying to squeeze a few % effieciency out a fuel cell using hydrogen is meaningless compared to the energy required to make hydrogen. There really is only one way of producing energy and that is nuclear. Realistically, fuel cells are a waste of time. In a nut shell, you turn some chemical into electricit! y. You still have to make the chemical and store it....Show more

Saturday, 20 June 2020

Cómo habilitar el tema oscuro en Windows 10

Cómo habilitar el tema oscuro en Windows 10

Seleccione Colores en el panel izquierdo.

Abra la aplicación Configuración. Presione el botón Start y seleccione la marcha de ajuste en la esquina inferior derecha.

Cambiar el modo de la aplicación. Desplácese hacia abajo y encuentre la sección titulada «Elija su modo de aplicación predeterminado». Seleccione «Dark» o «Light» de la lista para cambiar el aspecto de Windows. Disfrute de la belleza del negro o del blanco brillante!

Haga clic o puntee en la categoría Personalización.

What korean entertainments have online audition ?

Emilie Santmyer: do no longer deliver THEM IN by e mail. basically mail it to them; maximum of businesses do no longer do it by email anyore--extra or much less possibly. they are going to in all probability basically look at them while they are interior the temper for it. recommendations: --teach your making a track AND dancing skills --attempt to make one stable factor of your face that stand out --Be below 55kg --teach a number of your abilities (no longer something gross or rated R, as in playing an instrutment or being waiting to video reveal dances the 1st time & repeat them--basically like SHINee's Key! he's the bomb diggity while it is composed of woman team dances). --in case you have, tell them you have gained making a track & dancing contests....Show more

Corrina Faro: All of the companies have their websites up with audition forms.Refer to the other user's post.

Kip Ockenfels: most of the big companies, such as JYP, CUBE, YG, SM etcsmall companies ! usually only allow face to face auditions....but i think some are exceptions...you should go check out their sites to see!but the ones i know are:*JYP, you can go to youtube and type 'JYPauditions', and get more info from their channel*cube, you have to go to their official site to audition (you have to know korean!)*SM, go to http://www.smtown.com/ and click audition>apply now>email audition*YG, go to http://www.yg-audition.com/ for more info (again you have to know korean)*FNC, go to http://www.fncmusic.com/audition/apply.html, apply by e-mail (need to know korean)*C-JES, apply in http://www.c-jes.com/ko/audition.asp*DSP, http://www.dspmedia.co.kr/ and click audition...its in korean*star empire, apply here: http://www.starempire.co.kr//board/board_form.html...*LOEN, email them your application form, instructions on http://www.iloen.com/eng/etc/audition_info.jspor you can just wait for annual online auditions held by ent companies merged together: (e.g.koreaboo, kpopstar e! tc.)for sites and places:http://forums.allkpop.com/threads/ent! ertainment-co...WISH YOU BEST OF LUCK! :3...Show more

Friday, 19 June 2020

What about television makes you want to eat and how can you stop it?

Dick Maisenbacher: DISCIPLINE

Bruno Galasso: It's the habit of eating while watching TV, compounded by all the food commercials. It's all subconscious. Knowing what is happening is most of the battle. If you're aware of the reason you eat compusively, it is easier to avoid doing it. Just stay on the sofa until the show is over, then go for a walk!

Travis Colomb: its sort of like pavlovs dog syndrom he got a dog to equate getting food to the ringing of a bell , after that the dog would salivate when the bell rang even if there was no food around. so you need to get hypnotized and get the person to turn off your pavlovian sort of response.

Mitchell Pickens: Another problem you and all of us have is our natural sugar levels go up and down through out the day. For most people there sugar levels drop at 10am, 2pm, 4pm, 8pm and 10pm. These are times of the day that we crave a snack or feel tired from low sugar levels. One product that has worked for me is! called Himalayan Goji juice from a company called FreeLife. They are on the net and you can get it at natureschoice.freelife.com . I hope this helps in some way.

Elvie Drumgoole: Television bombards you with commercial after commercial for fast foods, beers, sodas, and other foods. No wonder you get hungry or thirsty. My advice is to purchase a Tivo and fast foward the commercials. For the initial investment, it will save you money and weight in the long run. Jake Nelson, BS, MS, NASM-CPT

Adam Momaya: Either stop watching tv or stop watching stuff about food :) stop thinking about food(: Why it makes you hungrey ? I guess you see people eating nice food ant you want some!!!!!!!!!

Lita Thammorongsa: I crave the same things, fizzy sodas and potato chips or doritos. It's hard for me to fight off such temptations so my only solution is to either have my husband hide the bags of chips or I just don't buy em. If you don't have them sitting around, you! can't eat em! I also buy cases of diet sodas or "zero" sodas! , they have no calories, and soothe my sugar fix.Lately, I've been getting into those vegetable chips, they sound gross but they're pretty light and taste good. I also like pretzels with peanut butter, cuz just a handful or two is very filling. I also snack on bananas/apples with some peanut butter, non-fat yogurt, or a bowl of cereal....Show more

Jen Maday: its our association with mind numbing activies to mindlessly eat...that the best way to explain it. as for combating it...try mixing seltzer water with fruit juice instead of sodas or dinking water with lemons. or just keep your hands busy. i tend to knit while watching tv so im not so tempted to start snacking. hope that helps

Lucien Hellerman: You need to control the remote....and when there are food commercials on, turn to another channel. .....It's happening because you are concentration on it.....You could get up and move....yourself...away fromthe tv....

Fritz Sisomphou: This is a learned beh! avior which you have now discovered and want to change which is good because it will lead to weight problems.Now that you know, change it. The pop has no hands, no power, nor legs to walk toward you. Just say no, I will do without a pop while watching this T.V. show. Get back your power, you deserve it and should have it. Look at others areas of your life that you have also given power over to things and change it.Best of Luck !Life is short, live it well....Show more

Thomas Riner: Sometimes people will develop programmed behavior. If you are in the habit of eating while watching TV, you will automatically begin to associate the two. Television also encourages viewers to eat with all of its food advertisements and the use of food in shows. When you begin feeling cravings, get up and do something else that may help to distract you from your hunger, or you can try adapting to healthier snacks.

Andre Winegar: i think that you should try to find some alternative! s of what you are eating...for example, instead of chips for when you a! re craving something crunchy, you could try some granola bars or if you really want chips, then you should go for baked chips. good luck!

Marvel Mcaulay: Yeah. Turn off the TV already and go for a walk, a run, or to the gym.TV is hardly anything but brain rot these days anyway.

Renita Sefton: Eating while watching tv is a bad habit! Believe me. You will not realize when the time you feel full! You just eat and eat and eat. Try this easy tips!1. Take your foods away from TV. Removes all the foods to the kitchen. It will make you feel lazy to take it from there.2. Put your foods or snacks (take a healthy snack! like salad!) in a SMALL PLATE!3. Don't eat your snack in the already bottle! You can take it in your hands, just a portion of your hand. 4. Put the snach or foods bottle/plate far away from u!5. Brush your teeth and your tongue. Making this will reduce your desire to chew.Be discipline! Don't be influenced to the tv advertise!Try read here for more ! easy and simple healthy tips and healthy eating. You have to start to be discipline today! Try read here: http://healthydiettips.blogspot.comHave a try!...Show more

Thursday, 18 June 2020

Getting a puppy!! need supplies ideas :o)?  

Getting a puppy!! need supplies ideas :o)?  

answers 0:so ive done temperment, background, that kind of research already... but im drawing a blank on items. im getting a german shepherd puppy in the spring! here are the items i can think of:-harness and leash-stainless steel food and water dish-wire and rubber/soft brush-(already have nail clippers)thats all i can think of.... the puppy IS allowed to sleep on my bed so no crate is needed.. umm.. so yeah!! supply ideas greatly appreciated 😀 thanks!...Show moreanswers 1:Toys...stuff to chew on.answers 2:You could get a collar, poo bags and blankets for him 🙂answers 3:German shepherds are great and wonderful family dogs I think you will be glad to own one in the spring.Harness and leash are much needed you have a great list right now.You have the grooming stuff down I think you could add some thi! ngs still. First of all get puppy pads Or one of those green rug things that look like they have real grass on them lol. (Until your pup is older I suggest keeping him in one room until he is potty trained)I still think you need a crate because you cant leave him alone in the house or he will chew and poo all over. Make sure if you get a crate!!! the crate is not a place he goes when being punished. Maybe a clicker for clicker training. Rubber toys and a few plush ones and some of those toys that you put a treat in and the dog has to figure how to get them out. Feed him 3 times a day(Breakfast lunch and dinner) fill the food bowl up halfway. Make sure you socialize him socialization is the key. Have fun.. 😀 Don't forget dog treats The dental sticks are good...answers 4:Don't let the size fool you, Chihuahua's are pretty tough fiesty little dogs. I would think whatever good quality food you've fed in the past. I feed Merrick Wilderness blend. You may want something with a! little smaller sized kibble (or maybe not). I have standard d! achshunds and my dogs get fed 3/4 cup of food a day, divided into 2 meals, my dogs are 20 pounds, so obviously, the Chi will be fed less than that. Chihuahua's can walk a pretty good distance at a pretty good clip. I would suggest a sweater for them, they are small and they are single coated. You train and socialize them just like you would any other dog. Visit the Chihuahua Club of America. Also, see if there's a book like Chihuahuas for Dummies. I know there's one for Dachshunds. Bad title, decent book. edit: The one thing i would not do is leave the food down all day. It will create housebreaking issues and you never really knwo how much they ate, since they pick throughout the day. As a small pup, 3 meals a day, when she gets older, eliminate the lunch and just feed 2x's a day....answers 5:Yes, a crate is needed for when you aren't home. Crates keep dogs safe when they can't be supervised.ToysFoodShampooEar Cleaner *Kwik Stop* in case to clip the nails too shortA chose! n VetFolder to keep all documents inCollar, not harness. Harnesses encourage pulling...answers 6:so if im excluding your previous list of your supply ideas, this is what i got:-potty tray (if you aren't going to let your dog out to poopppppp XD)-chew toys-puppy shampoo-puppy toothpaste kit-treats!!!-urine off or some other sort of poop/urine spray (so that the puppy doesnt remember its mark and doesnt pee on that area again)i also recommend getting a water bottle instead of a water dish because that would make its muzzle all wet :)hope this helped!! ♥...answers 7:toys and maybe some puppy shampooanswers 8:You should get some puppy training pads or something like that so your puppy doesn't have an accident on your floor. Also try to find some puppy training spray. You spray it on your furniture so your puppy won't chew on it because it taste very bitter. I used it for my puppy and she didn't chew on anything. Hope this helps 🙂

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Is the Vizio VX37L television a good one? ?

Derick Kinnard: Vizio, televisions are only good just for the money and not the picture quality.If I were you get a Samsung, it is a television you will enjoy many years to come, I myself have one and have enjoyed every second of it and was worth every penny. Go to this website and read every bit of it: http://www.hdguru.com/?p=107I use that website a lot, espcially when it comes to selling and pointing out those "Off Name Brand." Vizio should be at about the 8th-9th Paragraph from the top. ...Show more

Shon Almquist: Consumer Reports picked it as one of the best for the price..

Raul Tllo: Yea Vizio is a great tv. It has a great picture and is easily setup.

An Trebil: No Vizio is not a good brand tv.It's a third tier product it's junk.

Norma Marsalis: Yea the Vizio VX37L is a pretty nice television. I wouldn't say it is as good as the Samsung, Sharp, Panasonic, LG, or Sony ones, but yes Vizio does make nice tv's. A friend of mine has this tv and h! e plays his 360 on it and it looks pretty nice. Vizio makes pretty decent tv's for good price.

What medical/dental degrees does Oklahoma State offer?  

What medical/dental degrees does Oklahoma State offer?  

answers 0:What degrees can OSU offer? Also, what field is OSU predominant? I have heard they are a great vet school, yet I wonder what else I could achieve there. After-graduate programs (orthodontist, psychiatry, etc.) is what I am currently interested in. Obviously, if OSU can't offer the future I want, I simply won't attend and continue to just support their sports teams.answers 1:All of those degrees require you earn a bachelors first (which you can do almost anywhere) and you typically will not attend the same school for medicine/vet/ dental etc as you did for undergrad. It's not recommended, and going to OSU doesn't help you get into their professional schools afterwards. Yes, OSU has a medical school, as it clearly states on their website. Psychiatry is a residency program you do after me! dical school, somewhere else again....

small receiver for tv and radio?

Clinton Quant: Try a cellphone that can receive online streams like a verizon or sprint phone, but there is no device currently available. There were pocket tv's and radios that were about the size of a pocket dictionary. There are some devices where you can convert dvd into an mpeg but alas.

Jorge Detlefs: the factor of television is this... as Winston found out in George Orwells' "1984" TVs cheif accountability is to video exhibit You. For years the tvs have been conditioning us to video exhibit them, yet like in 1984 TVs have now grow to be flat exhibit interactive TVs that we are able to dangle on the wall. between the cheif explanation why they're removing anolog television in choose of a digital sign is by way of the fact digital alerts enable 2 way communication, and that via fact the chips are sufficiently small now a camerca may well be engineered into the television devoid of being too obtrusive. as a result a actual stay massive BROTHER is looming inter! ior the no longer too distant destiny....Show more

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Would you rather take a survey or answer a poll?

Jonathon Labonne: answer a polleducation and love, plus moneyI like chicken

Bibi Tyron: answer a poll

Paul Maymi: i can take both lolpoll) education and lovesurvey) no, i'm lacto vegetarian

Kizzy Hett: they are the same on herepoll: education and lovesurvey: yes

Theresia Fashaw: poll: education and lovesurvey) No. I'm vegetarian. I don't eat chicken.

Elbert Donatelli: either one.could you answer my question?....... http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=Ak...

Karey Dunken: Poll(:P)education and love(: i dont care much about money.. and im shy as a mother trucker...S)yepp(:

Pam Rampadarat: I like surveys better.Poll) Education and loveSurvey) No. I'm a vegan.

Caleb Chapman: poll

Fred Caminita: I have not have been given any motor vehicle, definite, "that's a ethical impossible PHARISEE. who's that this adolescents? He hath taken the instructor's seat! Will he practice the Elders? a clergyman. Fifty ye! ars Have I been Priest right here interior the Synagogue, and by no ability have I seen so youthful a guy sit down interior the instructor's seat! CHRISTUS. Behold, to-day stranger with the sunshine approximately his head spoke to this little worldwide of drowning creatures: "people who've faith would be saved; enable them to stay with me!" full of tranquil chastity, modest cheerfulness, yet regularly occurring withal, which surrounded the venerable edifice of the Cormon kinfolk. What peace! what tranquillity! no longer something pretentious, yet no longer something transitory...Show more

Monday, 15 June 2020

Comment préparer un uniforme militaire JROTC

Comment préparer un uniforme militaire JROTC

p>En avez-vous assez d’obtenir des points ou des points d’inaptitude pendant les inspections ? Voici, étape par étape, comment obtenir ces mérites/points et comment le faire correctement.

Utilisez votre nickel et utilisez sa largeur pour espacer le ruban du haut de la poche, de sorte que le ruban ait l’épaisseur du nickel vers le haut et centré.

Essuyer tout excès de produit de polissage.

Trouvez le milieu et placez le milieu de votre ruban à cet endroit.

Mettez un deuxième jeu de gants.

Retourner le chiffon et le tourner sur votre doigt et le lécher ou le tremper légèrement dans l’eau.

Enlevez les lacets des bottes.

Répétez l’étape sept.

Enlevez les gants une fois terminés et jetez-les de façon appropriée.

Enlevez votre chiffon doux et polissez la pièce, en enlevant les restes de Brasso, et! frottez dans la direction opposée à celle où vous avez appliqué le Brasso.

Placez une petite quantité de cirage sur le bout de la botte juste assez pour éliminer le lustre…

Mesurez la longueur de votre poche.

Répéter l’opération si nécessaire.

Répéter l’opération sur la pièce de laiton suivante.

Utilisez votre Brasso et mettez-en un peu de votre première pièce de laiton.

Appliquez les embrayages et admirez votre travail.

Appliquer la pâte de kiwi en quantité généreuse sur toute la botte.

Mettez vos gants.

Remplacez les lacets par les piqûres gauche sur droite.

Frotter la chaussure avec une serviette avec une pression moyenne.

Placez le journal sur toute la surface de travail.

Vaporiser le nettoyant à vitres deux fois par chaussure pour un revêtement uniforme.

Frotter le chiffon humide dans le sens inverse des aiguilles d’une montre sur le bout de la botte.

Sunday, 14 June 2020

How do Presidential Polls work?

Tereasa Sorensen: Polls are complex, but I'll try to explain. In theory, a polling organization picks people who are representative of the group being polled, usually from 500 to 2000 people. Let's take the US presidential race as an example. The population is broken down by demographics and would include such things as age, race, income, gender, sexual orientation, religion, region, and political party preference. The results can easily be skewed by an unrepresentative sample, lack of answers offered, and how the question is asked. Consequently, it's better to look at the averages of polls than a single poll. ...Show more

Robin Marchione: I don't know.

Pasty Cobbett: It is a very complex system so I am not clear about it.

Cristopher Gavalis: They find areas that are majority democrat and then they start to call.

Indira Wassell: It is a very complex system that is heavily weighted and filtered by each polling group trying to weed out 'error' becuas! e people lie and they know it.Do a WEB search and you can find jury information.

Comment dessiner un chien sur l’ordinateur

Comment dessiner un chien sur l’ordinateur

Maintenant 4 jambes.

Maintenant, pour un long corps ovale.

Ensuite, dessine un cou comme tu veux.

Maintenant, dessinez une bouche à main levée ou dessinez-la avec l’outil ovale.

Et enfin et surtout une queue.

Tirez 4 pattes.

Saturday, 13 June 2020

do musicians get music sheets from copyright department?

David Kuper: I don't know what you mean, but if you mean, the finished computerized copies, I think those come from someone else, not copyright. And if you mean where do the nice sheets with bars on them, music stores.

Enriqueta Steffen: Please specify your request. Do you mean sheet music of ready pieces or blank sheet music. In any case you can find either required items on this site http://www.load.cd/Blank sheet music http://www.load.cd/blank_sheet_music.htmlSheet music for download http://www.load.cd/sheetmusic/Good luck!...Show more

Cómo obtener una tarjeta de crédito cuando tiene bajos ingresos

Cómo obtener una tarjeta de crédito cuando tiene bajos ingresos

Todos sabemos que el crédito para la construcción es un componente importante de la seguridad financiera, pero si usted tiene bajos ingresos puede ser difícil obtener una tarjeta de crédito en primer lugar. Aunque la obtención de una tarjeta de crédito está determinada principalmente por su historial de crédito y sus ingresos, hay algunos ajustes que puede hacer para aumentar sus posibilidades de obtener la aprobación de su solicitud.

Considere una tarjeta de crédito totalmente asegurada. Si usted no califica para una tarjeta parcialmente asegurada, considere una tarjeta totalmente asegurada. El límite de crédito será igual al depósito, pero los cargos y las tasas de interés son generalmente mejores en una tarjeta totalmente asegurada que en una tarjeta parcialment! e asegurada. Siempre y cuando usted se asegure de obtener una tarjeta segura que reporte a las agencias de reporte de crédito, entonces usted estará construyendo crédito con poco o ningún riesgo para el prestamista.

Calcule su proporción entre deuda e ingresos. Su proporción de deuda a ingreso se calcula sumando todos sus pagos mensuales de deuda, y luego dividiéndolos entre su ingreso bruto mensual. Es lo que le dice a un acreedor potencial cuánto dinero tiene para pagar cualquier deuda que usted tenga con ellos. Cuanto más baja sea su relación deuda/ingresos, más dispuesto estará un acreedor a otorgarle crédito.

No se olviden de sus trabajos secundarios. Si gana más dinero, parece que tiene menos riesgo de crédito, porque tiene más para pagar sus deudas. Mucha gente trabaja en conciertos y trabajos paralelos durante todo el año para ganar un poco más de dinero. Usted tiene derecho a incluir todos sus ingresos, y no sólo su fuente principal d! e ingresos, cuando solicita una tarjeta de crédito. Ya sea qu! e se trate de un concierto musical en el bar local o de cortar el césped de sus vecinos, si trae dinero, cuenta.

Consolide las deudas que tiene. Si ya tiene tarjetas de crédito, considere la posibilidad de transferir parte del saldo de las tarjetas de interés más alto a las de interés más bajo, lo que le ahorrará dinero en intereses. Cuanto menos gaste en intereses, más dinero tendrá, lo que hace que parezca que tiene menos riesgo de crédito. Si bien es mejor dividir sus saldos entre diferentes tarjetas de crédito, aún así puede minimizar el interés que está pagando.

Pídale a un amigo o a un miembro de la familia que tenga un buen historial de crédito que sea su cosignatario. Un cosignatario acepta pagar cualquier deuda pendiente que usted no pueda pagar, lo que puede hacerlo más atractivo para la compañía de la tarjeta y ayudarlo a acumular mejor crédito. Tenga en cuenta que está arriesgando el puntaje de crédito de su amigo o familiar cu! ando firma, así que asegúrese de ser responsable con sus gastos y sus pagos.

Asegúrese de incluir a las personas adecuadas. Las compañías de tarjetas de crédito quieren asegurarse de que un deudor pueda pagar cualquier deuda que se acumule mientras tenga una cuenta. Por esta razón, le preguntarán sobre sus ingresos. Asegúrese de incluir a todas las personas adecuadas cuando cuente sus ingresos.

Reduzca sus gastos. Mientras menos gastos fijos tenga, más dinero tendrá que pagar por su tarjeta de crédito. Si usted tiene un pago de coche, considere cambiar por un modelo menos costoso. Si alquila muebles y electrodomésticos, cómprelos en su lugar, incluso si tiene que comprar sus muebles uno por uno en lugar de en juegos. Considere refinanciar su casa para reducir el pago de su hipoteca, o reubicarse en una propiedad menos costosa si alquila.

Infórmese sobre su estado de crédito. Antes de solicitar cualquier tipo de tarjeta de crédito, usted ne! cesita saber lo que sus posibles acreedores sabrán. Los factores más ! importantes para obtener tarjetas de crédito, son su puntaje de crédito, la relación entre deuda e ingresos, junto con cierta información en su informe de crédito.

Dispute cualquier inexactitud. Si usted encuentra un artículo inexacto en su informe de crédito, usted tiene algún recurso. Primero, escriba una carta disputando el artículo con la agencia de informes de crédito, enviando cualquier documento de apoyo junto con su carta de disputa. La agencia de informes de crédito investigará, poniéndose en contacto con cualquier agencia que esté listando el ítem negativo. Muchas veces, esto resolverá cualquier problema. Si no lo hace, entonces siga el mismo procedimiento directamente con la agencia listando el ítem negativo.

Considere una tarjeta de crédito con garantía parcial. Una tarjeta de crédito parcialmente asegurada a veces puede ser la mejor opción para las personas de bajos ingresos. Con una tarjeta parcialmente asegurada, el solicitant! e paga un depósito (menos del límite de crédito) a la compañía de la tarjeta, asegurando así la deuda. Luego, el titular de la tarjeta la utiliza como de costumbre, y paga la tarjeta como de costumbre. Cuando usted cierra la cuenta, recupera el depósito.

Averigüe su puntaje de crédito. Su puntaje de crédito es un valor numérico derivado de la información contenida en su informe de crédito. Un puntaje de crédito puede caer entre 850 y 300, siendo 850 el mejor riesgo crediticio y 300 el peor. Cualquier puntuación superior a 700 se considera muy buena, pero casi el 20% de los consumidores de EE.UU. tienen puntuaciones superiores a 800. Dado que las diferentes tarjetas están dirigidas a consumidores de diferentes rangos de crédito, es importante conocer su puntaje antes de solicitar una tarjeta de crédito. Los diferentes factores que determinan su puntuación de crédito se ponderan de la siguiente manera:

Obtenga un informe de crédito de una de l! as agencias de crédito. Puede usar Experian (888-397-3742), Trans Unio! n (800-916-8800) o Equifax (1-800-685-1111). También puede aprovechar http://www.annualcreditreport.com para obtener su informe anual gratuito.

Solicite una tarjeta de crédito. Ahora que conoce su puntaje de crédito, su relación deuda/ingresos y tiene un informe de crédito preciso, tiene la información que necesita para solicitar el tipo correcto de tarjeta. Hay muchos acreedores que dan servicio al mercado de bajos ingresos. Los consumidores en los Estados Unidos pueden encontrar una lista de muestra aquí, y los consumidores australianos pueden encontrar una lista completa aquí.

Abra una cuenta corriente y de ahorros. Su acreedor potencial quiere saber que usted tiene una manera viable de pagar la cuenta, y sin una cuenta de cheques, eso es muy difícil de hacer. La solicitud de la tarjeta de crédito le preguntará si tiene uno o ambos, y tener ambos es muy bueno; les hace pensar que usted debe tener dinero sobrante, escondido en caso de emergencia.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Whats on at the movies?

Wilbur Marksberry: X-Men 3 "The Last Stand."

Maye Delk: defanitly United 93

Mahalia Brindle: Check out the recent movies:http://movies.yahoo.com/

Douglass Sarley: Ive only seen a couple of movies in the movie theater like 2..but i liked "Over The Hedge" alot!

Ivan Velazquez: X-men 3, but you really have to see the first two films to understand the third installment.

Rena Pepe: X-Men, The Omen, and Over the Hedge

Oscar Waddups: I thought X-Men 3 was well worth the money it cost to see it.

Chris Rosenkranz: You can watch this totally free applying: http://is.gd/movienet

Shan Lanen: I liked watching the Omen remake... a little long at the beginning though. The actors are worth my bucks!

Brock Hladik: davinci code was pretty good....don't waste your money on see no evil tho.