Friday, 6 March 2020

Does skin lighting cream actually work?

Carter Edstrom: This is a skin lightener not a bleach, good luck!Super-Skin Lightener, - http://www.palazah.com/naturalessa/superskin-light...

Johnnie Pummill: I don't know if you are a male or female of colour or whether you are in the uk or the USA. But all I can tell you that if you are in england there are many shops in the african/carribean community that sell under the counter products that contain the bleaching agent better know as hydroquion. I myself used to "bleach" on & off. To remove acne scars or blemishes. But bleaching is a " treatment" that you have to continue with or you will revert back to your own colour! I been "burnt" in a few areas of my face by the bleach & has gone alot darker then my actually skin colour. I would advise any1 if they have never "bleached" before not to go ahead as it can do more damage then it is worth "to achieve the perfect flawless skintone". Its also is HIGHLY addictive as you will strive to get to your "flawless skinton! e" & in the meantime use more cream & stronger products!!!! PLEASE PLEASE TAKE MY ADVISE & STAY AWAY! Here is an old Jamaican saying "if you can't hear, you will feel". I wouldn't want you to feel use, my experience and mistake. Whatever you chose I wish you the best of luck & hope you will come to love yourself. No matter what you look like xxxxxxxxxxxxxx...Show more

Jess Grizzel: Many people strive to attain lighter, brighter, healthier-looking skin. Learning to properly care for your skin on a day-to-day basis will help your skin stay light and tight, while more substantial and scientifically-proven lightening products are also widely available. In my opinion this is the best method https://tr.im/lr5Sl

Lyndon Mattas: So..I managed to lighten my skin by 5 shades in just a few weeks using only natural ingredients, and safely without the need for dangerous chemicals or bleaches. This is the natural method I used http://www.goobypls.com/r/rd.asp?gid=566Regards

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