Wilfred Santacruce: i don't see anything wrong with it, but, why pay 400+ a month to someone, when you could be doing it yourself? ABC's, numbers and colors are free around here :) mommy can do it all day everyday. but, then again, i am a stay at home mom. i know some moms cant be at home all day teaching their kids this stuff, so, day care and pre school is a must. but, for the moms that are SAHM, i don't see why they ship their kids off to someone to teach them the things that they can teach them at home for free. no offense to anyone :)...Show more
Loise Mausser: I have 8, 6, 5, 3, and 2 year old kids and am expecting and I have home preschoolded and kindergartened them all! We have our basement turned into a colorful classroom where my 6, 5, 3 and 2 year old go all day. My 8 year old goes to public school and is in third grade... after kindergraten, we put her in public and plan to do the same with the rest of them... it worked great! Preschoolers need to learn ! basic things like colors, shapes, animals, numbers, ABC's, etc. and we're teaching our 2 year old girl a few things also (even though it's not prek)... hope i helped you!...Show more
Arden Strachn: I'm a stay at home mom and I dont think there is anything wrong with preschool. My son just turned 4 and he is in his 2nd year of pre-school. He will do one more year next year before kindergarten. His school is actually at the local elementary school. I should mention that my son has a series of speech and comprehension delays. Going there he gets speech therapy 3 x's a week something that I could have not have provided at home. He also goes on field trips, has a library day, and music class. He loves school and has blossomed so much. At 3 he was barely speaking and had major tantrums becasue he knew when he wanted to say but couldn't get it out. However now he has started butting 3 and 4 words together and his behavior has improved so much. Plus it's great for him to hav! e interaction with other children....Show more
Davina Da! vid: If the preschool is only 3 days a week, I have no issues with it. 5 days a week is too much in my opinion. My brother clearly benefited from preschool. With what we now know as Asperger's syndrome, preschool was far more effective for him developing social skills than interacting with his siblings.My cousin's daughter goes to preschool twice a week (about 5 hours at a time). She is essentially an only child since her sibling is 20 years older so this does give her a lot of benefit.I agree with you. I do see a lot of value in preschool for many different family situations....Show more
Charis Deguzman: I worked at preschools and I babysat kids who didn't go to all-day preschool. I think the kids that weren't in preschool seemed more mature, more socially skilled and less aggressive, more intelligent, better at keeping themselves entertained and more creative than the preschool kids, on average.I think a few hours in the morning for a couple days a week can be be! neficial and enjoyable for a child but that fulltime preschool zaps the creativity out of children a little and teaches kids to be a little more impulsive/aggressive. As an example of kids being less creative in preschool, if you give a bunch of 4 year olds in preschool colored pencils, guess what half of them do? Write their names! No rainbows or bunnies, just their names over and over. It's incredibly depressing. I'm keeping my kids out of preschool. There are better ways for them to learn social skills and I am certain I can teach them more one-on-one than a teacher can in a group....Show more
Wilfred Santacruce: It;s all a matter of what you want for your kids. Nothing wrong either way.
Karey Dunken: I see nothing wrong with putting a child in preschool. If anything, it's more helpful than anything else. My sister's little boy was three when he started preschool and it helped so much with his development and interaction with other kids his age that he was! n't getting from being at home all the time. My sister, who is a high ! school teacher, did teach him shapes, colors, numbers, and letters but there was much more he could learn by being in preschool plus the chance of being with other kids his age. He will start school next year and we feel that him having been in preschool has helped to get him prepared. He has a sister that's two and she will start preschool next year and is already excited about going. When I was my nephew's age, I stayed with my aunt during the day and when I started school I had a hard time interracting with others. I wish I had been put in preschool so that way I could have been with other children and had an easier time when I started school....Show more
Cliff Jacoby: I agree, what age is it you put kids in preschool? 3 or 4?
Shawnna Kusky: There's absolutely nothing wrong with pre-school. It gets your child ready at an earlier age by getting them psychologically prepared for school. Studies show that people who do go to preschool do better in school.
Tosha Tawney: My 4 year old goes to pre school and she LOVES it! She has learned SO MUCH! I didn't put y oldest in pre school because i couldn't let her go (first baby) and she has done nothing but struggle since she started school she is always behind and when she started kindergarten she was behind and the school says it was because she didn't go to pre school My opion I think pre-school is a great thing and it prepares the child for actual school but I guess everyone has a different opion...Show more
Samatha Nicar: I work at a daycare that has 2 preschool classrooms. 1 is for the kids ages 4-5, so the ones that start kindergarden in the fall and the other room is for ages 3-4, the first year of preschool here. Well here it is really structured i would like to say, they do circle time in the morning which inlcudes calander, weather, days of the week, months of the year..ect. Also they do art everyday which helps in motor skills and different skills. I dont! work in the preschool one anymore, but i work with 3 year olds and we ! do the same structure as the preschool room. I am strict with the kids as they do not get there way and have to learn to share with others, and various other things.I can say my 4 year old niece really loves preschool, when she was 3 she hated the preschool she was at and now she is in a new one and absolutely loves it.. I can tell she is learning so much, she can read some books, spell her name and write all the abcs. There is so much more then just colors, shapes and numbers,ect. They usually learn all that around 2 years of age anyways.So in my opinion preschool is a great one, you just need to find out that keeps your child happy which it seems like this one is...Show more
Joan Stavropoulos: Gotta add that his preschool is not a daycare at all. It's a private Christian school that goes up to 8th grade and is very strict and structured.. He started out in a daycare/preschool, but we removed him from that after day 3..... It was not structured enough. He'll be in! public school next year.
Loriann Carrigan: So don't be cooped up in your house. Go to a playgroup... make friends with other moms. Social skills do not have to be learned by being with a large group of people exactly the same age as you... and they don't have to be taught by someone with a degree. The idea that social skills must be taught in a traditional schoolish setting is wild to me. Do *you* hang out only with those who are exactly your own age? Real social skills involve being able to deal with many different people of different ages. I don't want my kids to learn how to behave by watching other kids their own age... watching kids a few years *older* really seems better to me. And later... you learn so much by teaching... when my oldest helps with younger children he learns about socializing there as well.I do homeschool and face the idea that my kids 'don't learn to socialize' and 'won't be ready for the real world' a lot. However, homeschoolers learn! fast how beneficial it is to socialize for 'the real world' *in* the r! eal world. Can it be done other ways? Maybe... but it doesn't *have* to be done in a school setting. School is *nothing* like the 'real world'....Show more
Peggy Sandefer: 4... he'll be 5 in february, and he started in August.
Julee Lanham: Theres nothing wrong with it. You're happy so preschool isn't bad for your son. I never went to preschool because i had a babysitter that taught what i needed to know and there were kids my age around me. When kids interact with other kids they learn stuff they shouldn't know about yet but he will find those things out one day anyway. Maybe thats why some people think its bad.
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