Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Does anybody else not watch TV anymore?

Ervin Laeger: I watch youtube, but its been over 4 years since I watched tv

Mitsuko Manne: No i still do watch tv but not as much like i used to

Mayola Sylva: Yeah. My parents got rid of my cable a year before I moved out and I haven't got a TV at my place. So it's been like 3 or 4 years since I've watched TV.

Irvin Guiles: Yes i do

Donte Hamme: It's so full of crud you can almost smell it.

Armando Somes: I was VERY relieved not to find a "no" on this one.What kind of person could honestly say that they don't like to laugh?I was having serious Holiday doldrums a while back,and it was laughter-provided by a Y7A question,of all things-that started my emergence from it.Every study that's ever been done shows positive physical and mental benefits from laughter,and it's free!!Without love and laughter,both given and received,what else is there to build a foundation on,a foundation you can stand on and enjoy all the other wonderful things that life! has to offer?Am I getting sappy?I can never tell... :)...Show more

Dulcie Edis: Yes I love to laugh and smile, I love to make the people around me laugh too, nothing will smooth out the rough spots quicker than laughter!!

Krystal Cordovano: super market sweep

Adam Momaya: Yes, and I haven't had a good laugh in weeks on Y/A so I must be missing all the good questions--Mary Poppins it is!

Ester Bryand: I hate them and they serve no purpose

Marita Stadick: I love to laugh!!!!!!

Shaquita Wernicki: just for the record I am not the one giving out the thumbs down!

Ronald Moehr: what shows that are canceled do you wish would come back.????

Emeline Albracht: I still watch TV,got some shows & news I like to watch

Sammy Hatzenbihler: I haven't watched TV since I moved out of my parents' house (7 months ago).

Javier Holsonback: yes yes yes

Rick Duchane: Tv is dead, internet is king!

Darwin Ecton: Well isn't that j! ust supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.Laughing's good. Moani! ng with pleasure is even better.

Shawnna Kusky: Ive reduced a lot of tv for about 5 months now, mainly due to being bored of same old repeated shows or pointless ones on there. Also when ur depressed it dosent help as you find your favourite programs uninteresting. But youtube i find uplifts me for a while on the net like "comedy stuff", that feels in the time. Im more of a gaming person tho. I.e playstation.

Dorine Nurre: i have not had a TV for quite a long time, 2 years

Frank Gazaway: I rarely watch TV as it airs. Maybe occasionally the news, but the handful of shows I watch I end up watching online usually.

Alphonso Brake: yessssssssss, it's my hobby♥ i love it so much:)

Clifford Gombos: I turn the tv on for noise. Other than that it is crap and depressing.

Arleen Bussing: well if you mean like regular cable i hate it! .. i like movie channes like HBO,Cinemax,Starz etc. They give good movies.

David Kuper: i have not watched T! V for a long time, but i like the feeling that many people watch tv

Damion Oleksa: Hehehee...forgive me...Mary Poppins is on TV...

Dick Baumgarten: There's not a day that goes by, where I don't watch TV!

Alane Antes: I hate them too. You don't need someone else to tell you when to laugh. If it's funny, you're going to laugh anyway and if its not funny, the laughtrack is just annoying.

Jesusita Dykhoff: yes..i love to laugh..and some people said..it is good to laugh...release ur tension...

Elvin Mannheimer: We may be entering the age of the internet, but TV is entering the age of Netflix.

Ofelia Kieck: Yes cause I have no cable ha

Lynn Mctier: Sometimes

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