Wednesday, 1 July 2020

did you fight more being married or going through a divorce?

An Cardine: Being married to my 1st husband was very difficult and we fought frequently. Once we realized we couldn't live together and decided to divorce, we fought less.

Bernadette Roel: We fought more during the time when we were separated till the divorce.

Glynda Darrin: Being married. We had sex during divorce procedings though. Crazy, huh? Divorce sex is usually pretty awesome because it's unexpected.

Donnell Nocella: We fought more while we were married. I thought getting divorced that it would help and we would not argue as much. We argued going through the divorce and after the divorce. No more arguing now as he is not around me anymore. Tired of all the arguing and finally have peace in my life.

Dionna Doyel: going through a divorce. we drifted apart in our marriage, but how he chose to leave it, and think nothing is wrong with it. he left me for another woman. so now we fight, because he blames it on me that he left me for another woman! .

Idell Dufort: married... my entire marriage we fought... i shouldnt have married!!!! why is he wanting a divorce? sdo u want a divorce?

Jodie Capella: We fought more while we were married.

Mauro Cowee: My sister and her husband fought like crazy when they were married. It just got worse and worse. Their divorce went very smoothly and they actually dated a few times before it was final.

Luana Carothers: married

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