Thursday, 3 October 2019

Similarities and differences between philosophy,psychology and sociology?

answers1: It does but not as a science
answers2: Philosophy: why are we here, what does it all mean? <br>
Psychology: why does the individual do what they do? <br>
Sociology: why do groups of people do what they do? <br>
And the science there of.
answers3: Psychology and sociology are sciences that evolved out of
philosophy. They are sciences, hence the OLOGY .
answers4: You are not at all mistaken. Difference of opinion will
always be there among philosophers, psychologists and sociologists.
Only when such wise people discuss, we will come to know the actual
REALITY. They discuss the differences in a friendly way in order to
help the general public. They want to give us the true essence of
philosophic theories. <br>
It is good question presented in a new style.
answers5: Philosophy helps us understand the general and specific
relationship we are in reality whereas psychology deals with the
individual domain while sociology deals with the social domain of
activity within each of us. All three are pretty intermingled in the
most complex of ways. Years of study has helped us understand where
one begins and the other leaves off etc. etc..
answers6: Philosophy is original systematic thought in any subject
area. Science which uses the scientific method to reach new
conclusions is absolutely not philosophy. Philosophy that is not
historical philosophy is philosophy that develops new methods.
Sociology or psychology that extends standard methods is not
philosophy and philosoohy is to those sciences as jazz is to classical
music. One is improvised and the other is formal.

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