Monday, 7 October 2019

do you write poetry?

answers1: I don't write poetry much, but I read it (and listen to it)
often. My favorite poem is When Hip-Hop Was Fun by INQ, which you can
listen to at: <a href="http://blog.spokenwordart.com/?p=21"
rel="nofollow"class=Clr-b>http://blog.spokenwordart.com/?p=21</a> <br>
That's my favorite poetry-related site: <a
answers2: yes, i do write poetry and find that i really enjoy it. I
like to post my work here, and on this web site called:
www.allpoetry.com <br>
its a great website for young and experienced poets. There are also
many contests held on there. <br>
i don't really have any fav. poems though...
answers3: I find good poems all the time. I like to go to the dailys,
particularly Verse Daily (www.versedaily.org). <br>
Recently seen and liked: <br>
"XOXO Los Angeles" <br>
<a href="http://www.versedaily.org/2007/xoxola.shtml"
"Hell" <br>
<a href="http://www.versedaily.org/2007/hell.shtml"
"Nocturne: Andalusian Dog" <br>
<a href="http://www.versedaily.org/2007/andalusiandog.shtml"
"The San Simeon Zebras" <br>
http://www.versedaily.org/2007/sansimeonzebras.shtml <br>
"Ode to a Heart Loser" <br>
http://www.versedaily.org/2007/odetoaheartloser.shtml <br>
Oh, and yeah, I write poetry too.
answers4: hard task. look using a search engine. it can help!
answers5: Asking people in Yahoo Answers "Home>Arts &
Humanities>POETRY if they write poetry is like asking someone who's
finishing off a banana split if they like ice cream. I like random,
misfit poems, like "Crabbit Old woman" by Phyliss McCormick. I don't
really like poetry sites, I prefer blogs with poetry, solely. Have
answers6: hard problem. research on to search engines like google.
just that can assist!
answers7: No, I write smut.

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