Sunday, 6 October 2019

Are Shakespeare's plays poetry?

answers1: In Shakespeare's plays, you can find unrhymed iambic
pentameter (for the greatest part), prose (quite a lot) and some other
types of verse, sometimes with rhymes. The proportion varies in each
answers2: The characters in Shakespeare's plays frequently speak in
blank verse, unrhymed iambic pentameter. That is the most common type
of poetry you'll find in his plays. Sometimes, his characters speak
in rhymed couplets or other types of rhyming verse. (For example,
characters in "Romeo and Juliet" speak several sonnets.) Although
iambic pentameter is Shakespeare's preferred meter, Puck in "A
Midsummer Night's Dream" is one character who sometimes speaks in
tetrameter (four beats to a line instead of five), and uses both
iambic and trochaic meter. Puck's famous "If we shadows have
offended" speech at the end of the play is one example. There are
occasional song and bits of poetry in some the plays that use other
varieties of meter and rhyme, and many characters speak in prose, with
no meter or rhyme.
answers3: It is metered, all of it iambic pentameter. <br>
With the exception of Hamlets dialogue among those he doesn't trust
when he is feigning madness, then it loses all form. But it returns
once with Horatio on his own, or the time he tries to convince his
mother it is an act.
answers4: tricky thing. try searching onto yahoo or google. that can assist!
answers5: problematic point. try searching over yahoo or google. it might help!
answers6: yes they are in verse.
answers7: no..it's a play

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