Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Do you organize books by author or title?

answers1: Color
answers2: It's your choice. Whatever you like best. My bigger books I
organize by height and my normal-sized I organize by author's last
answers3: I organize by author. If you organize by title, you'll have
the books all over the place, but if it's by author, then they're all
grouped together so you don't have to go hunting when you want to read
a series.
answers4: By subject. <br>
You can organize your books anyway you want.
answers5: I organize by paperback and hardcover
answers6: Organize books by the author's last name.
answers7: I organize them by <br>
- have read <br>
- would like to read again <br>
- not yet read, and there below: <br>
-- sounds interesting <br>
-- can wait <br>
-- love story, what's the next birthday of a woman I know?

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