answers1: While there are rare exceptions, there are very few novels
of publishable quality by young people. Most authors are in their
thirties, before they are sucessful though there are some in their
twenties. There have been books that have done well by people in
their teens but they are usually crap for other teens and not widely
admired. <br>
This isn't because a young person can't have good ideas or technically
write well, but it is because they lack the experience, discernment,
and understanding of the nuances of the human experience to do so in
anything but a melodramatic or cliched fashion. You have probably
heard it said "write about what you know." The knowledge that makes
for interesting reading - love, human interaction, death, dealing with
adversity, etc, etc, etc, is acquired though experience. If you are
writing about thing you only know of because you have read what others
say about them or how you imagine they would be, it will show in your
writing. <br>
At a young age you should practice the skill of writing and acquire as
much experience as you can. Get to know people of different back
grounds, travel, eat unfamiliar, foods, fall in love, get dumped, deal
with your first hundred rejection slips, etc, etc. Eventually you
will have not only the skills to write, but something worthwhile to
say. <br>
Good luck to you.
answers2: It depends on how good the book is and if you write well.
answers3: Get an editor/proofreader. And a publisher. It isn't likely
that a 10 year old gets published, because the book turns out too
immature, but it is possible. But okay...wait, you want to be an
author after you finish the book you're writing? Honey, you're already
an author. You don't have to be published to be considered an author.
You wrote something. It's yours. You're it's author. All in all, wait
until you have the right resources to get published. Good luck. x
answers4: Keep writing and keep getting better, there is no age limit
on becoming a published author.
answers5: After you have finished the book, there you go, you're an
author. <br>
If you want to be a *published* author, then that's a whole 'nother
ball game. I'd say you're a little young to start worrying about that.
Read a hell of a lot of all kinds of materials you can get your hands
on. Write bad writing for a few years. You need a lot of practice
before you can attempt to publish. It's not as easy as you think. Even
great authors who have written a tremendously enjoyable book run into
problems. Even Harry Potter was rejected a bunch of times at first.
answers6: If the book is good, then you have a slight chance. If not,
keep improving
answers7: (First of all, "an author") Second, how old are you,
exactly? I don't think ten is nearly old enough, though I started
writing when I was nine, I have come a long way since then. You should
develop your skills first, and my advice is to always improve
yourself. Proof-read after a paragraph or two and see how you could
change the wording. Perhaps you won't be able to PUBLISH commercially,
but definitely get stories published in your school and community
first. I'm fourteen, and I plan to have one of my stories in the
public eye for the FIRST time this year. But, you really should wait
and practice for a year! Look at these differences on the book I've
ben working on for almost two years!!!!!!! (diff. drafts): <br>
When I was 13: <br>
My father always tried to seem happy, as if he had completely
forgotten about my mother, but he never forgot. I could tell by the
look on his face that he thought about her every day . . . every
second. <br>
Now: <br>
The scar on the right side of my lower lip had begun to show more
prominently after my mother left us. It was red and blood-stained from
hours of being dug into with my razor-sharp teeth. Perhaps it wasn't
her absence that made me feel so on edge, but it was the hole that she
had left behind. It was the hole that my father had tried to fill with
meaningless affairs and addictions, while mine never saw the light of
day. <br>
Good Luck to you and your dreams! <3
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