Thursday, 14 November 2019

girls, hair or no hair?

answers1: five o clock shadow is so hot to me <br>
and hair on arms and legs and under the belly button is fine <br>
but I dont like it when they FURRY haha too much hair isnt good
answers2: to me it doesnt really matter to me where a guy has body
hair. i mean some is ok but i dont want to get lost in it, lol. yeah
but like hair on the back is kind of a turn off.
answers3: Very few guys in my opinion can pull of a hairy body,
personally, I prefer no hair on your chest/back but everywhere else is
fine if its kept.
answers4: I like my man to just have a happy trail and a goatee or a
mustache, arm and leg hair. And armpit hair is okay. Also it's nice
that he trims... down there... Not too much hair, but no body hair
would be weird.
answers5: hair on the back is digusting. <br>
some hair on the chest is ok. <br>
hair on the arms, pits, legs are good. <br>
trim downstairs.
answers6: i like hairy legs a lot, hairy arms dont bother me, hair
butt is cute in a funny way, but a hairy chest is like the worst thing
on God's green earth. also for some reason a love it when a guy has so
much armpit hair that you can see it when his arms are down (asian
hispanic or white guys only, not black guys lol) my mom and mother in
law love a hairy chest they say it feels so good against you back, ugh
lol the thought makes my skin crawl,and back and shoulder hair is even
answers7: Hair on the head I do..Not a fan of bald guys. Anywhere
else just not a lot of hair
answers8: Everything is fine except back hair i dont really like that...
answers9: hair on the legs and arms <br>
hair on chest <br>
hair on head maybe a nice trimmed mustache and goatee <br>
certain parts downstairs completely smooth
answers10: As long as the back is hair free, and the chest doesn't
make him look like a yeti, than I am easy.

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